the lies of minnelli

It's actually good, guys. There's actually a clever algorithm that explains how he was disrupting SSP (standard sexual procedure) and replacing it with a free market model.

Especially up against Isabelle Huppert.

I don't even know if you're trying to be funny or not.

And now they own that too so the mouse always wins.

Were there any conspicuous absences from the In Memoriam this year? Bill Paxton got a tearful mention from Jennifer Aniston, which got me tearful too, and then being reminded of Anton Yelchin again made me miss pretty much everything that came afterwards.

He also stole the 'nobody watched this movie' punchline at least three times from Hugh Jackman singing about The Reader in 2008.

Oscar trivia: Can't Stop The Feeling is now the only song to have been performed live at both The Academy Awards and The Eurovision Song Contest.

It's because he can't see. He needs glasses but won't wear them in public; when he saw something was wrong, he gave it to her because he assumed she'd see it clearly.

La La Land is definitely the wrong movie.

I can't believe I missed the best moment in Oscars history by turning off my stream as soon as La La Land was announced. Going to need that footage of Damien Chazelle's heart breaking ASAP.

Considering Miles Teller looks he they tried to moisturise with a cheese grater, being told he has the face of a dickhead is actually a compliment.

It's probably too late to be edited in to the In Memoriam but seeing the response to his death in the media, I'd be amazed if he wasn't mentioned by several tonight.

I also haven't seen it in a long while and the only thing I remember is the scene where Clint throws a bucket of water on a guy to put out his match, or something along those lines, but the match doesn't go out and Clint has so little patience that they didn't bother doing a second take.

Oh, yeah. I haven't seen Alien3 in about a decade but he is still alive at the end of Aliens, because he says Ripley is pretty good 'for a human' after she ejects the queen into space.

I always thought the ruling was killed by and Bishop wasn't officially killed by the xenomorph because he got killed by the queen at the end of Aliens.

This is heartbreaking. One of the best on screen and, totally unsurprisingly, one of the best off it too.

Manchester By The Sea felt like a prestige episode of Scrubs: lots of sitcom banter and jokes surrounding a handful of serious moments. I went into it being told it was the saddest movie of the year (by people who didn't see Louder Than Bombs, I assume) and the audience I saw it with spent most of the film laughing

Nocturnal Animals has a lot of substance. Your only conclusion should have been that Edward is a bad novelist.