the lies of minnelli

Jick Magger

Even if you ignore Seb's obsession with old jazz and Mia's obsession with classic movies; even if you ignore contemporary culture being repeatedly framed as bad; even if you ignore that the staging of the songs is in the style of Vincente Minnelli and the cinematography and plot is from Jaques Demy, the sheer fact

You are aware of who his parents are, right?

Power and corrupt self interest are beliefs. It's called capitalism.

The first one is great because it uses the form most associated with Ip Man to tell his story, which is much better than the standard biopic, but then Ip Man 2 is just a remake of Rocky IV and Ip Man 3 barely makes any sense; the plot involving his wife's illness is really well acted but the stuff with Mike Tyson is

The whole thing is about being a throwback to a better time in movies and music, when things were real and not slick synth pop, or professional preprogrammed instruments, or dial-a-song Christmas music either but could be ad libbed and raw every night like Charlie Parker and whoever else Seb talks about. And Mia gets

Mentioning Clint Eastwood and Don Siegel before talking about Macon Blair and Jeremy Saulnier is like going from the advertised Big Mac to the actual thing you get at the counter.

Slick and professional (and definitely intentionally bad) but slick and professional also signifies bad in Chazelle's world. It's why Seb is obsessed with the tinkering jazz allows and why he's so sullen when he not only has to play songs from the 80s, a slick and professional time for music, but play one hit wonders,

Their music is bland until Seb starts playing and his piano stands out against everything else, making them sound outright bad, but then there's the photoshoot scene where they put Gosling in comedy sunglasses and a piano key tie. They're a joke. Also, Mia is definitely jostling in the crowd but when she sees Seb play

So do Batman and Spider-Man. The difference is that the movies and comics hand wave it away and assume the viewers/readers don't actually know how the human body works.

Lexi Alexander knows how to direct a fight scene but everything else is embarrassing. I remember the framing on the dialogue scenes being terrible and wondering how you could fuck up something so basic.

Hillary pushed for war with Russia during the debates (and has pushed for military intervention worldwide since the start of her career) while he said he didn't give a shit as long as they kept bombing Isis.

I'm amazed the prankster even knew that the flag wasn't the hammer and sickle anymore.

That's what success is to him. He spends the whole film obsessively following in the footsteps of dead jazz musicians, collecting their trinkets and whatnot, and the film is pretty clear in spelling out that jazz isn't for the masses. The big crowds only turn up for the comically terrible band he's in with John

Paul van Dyk

But, like Seb's jazz, while her show is shunned by the clueless masses, eventually the right people learn about her and she becomes a success.

Albums worth listening to don't really exist in dance music outside of a few special cases and Daft Punk totally fucking blew it with Human After All. I know there's a story as to why it was made in such a short time but it's such an amateur and embarrassing record that it's clear that by that point they were already