the lies of minnelli

No, I didn't.

I think I mentioned this in another thread recently but I watched Bad Boys recently and, in my mind, it was a tight 90 minute action blockbuster, but then when I saw it, it was a tight 90 minute action blockbuster with an additional 30 minutes forced into it because it stops every five minutes to let Martin Lawrence

It's because Damien Chazelle is a worse writer than he is a director. Emma Stone's dreams in La La Land are as far out of date as Ryan Gosling's: she loves old movies that don't get made anymore and hopes to be the kind of movie star that doesn't exist in that same way either so the film has to catapult her to stardom

I'm not the one agreeing with remedial high schoolers.

It's pronounced nay-zis.

A t-shirt that literally says Black Live Matter being ripped off vs. a flag that represents America's slave owning past being ripped down are only equal if you're a total moron.

Soderbergh's commentaries are reason enough for the whole format.

But, Hugh, think of all the memes you could be part of.

Any Scott that isn't Tony is the wrong Scott.

This couldn't look worse.

From the IMDb: "Even so, she would constantly burst out into laughter between takes because not only was her characterization and wardrobe laughable in her eyes, but the dialogue itself was humorous for her." Close enough.

I laughed all the way through this when I saw it and was glad to read that Piper Laurie thought it was a joke too. Brian De Palma is a shit director living off other people's talent - 'actually, I think you'll find it's called a homage' - but Carrie in particular is complete garbage. Everything from the soft porn

"One particular MGM director" makes it sound like he's an obscurity in the genre instead of one of the defining talents.

At least watch a third movie before the year is done.

I assume they only investigate things that stand in the way of Amazon.

Every cloud has a silver lining.

I preferred their old slogan: The Washington Post - Work Hard, Have Fun, Make History

Why do I keep getting bad cramp in my left calf muscle when trying to masturbate? I was in bed for a few days last week with a bad cold and that's always followed by strain when you start moving again - on my first day back in the gym, I did a simple bench routine at 75% my usual weight and my chest was killing for

I don't know how people didn't call that with Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them. The whole film shows that the wizards live a life of luxury in the middle of a massive slum yet they're considered to be good guys; as far as I can tell, the only point of the magic CIA that Katherine Waterston works for is to make

I think this says more about the dire state of the theatrical space than Netflix. Scorsese should be able to get whatever he wants but I'm sure movie producers would want to limit how long his movies can be, how much violence and profanity can be in it and Netflix don't have those limitations.