the lies of minnelli

The last time I was at Universal Studios I couldn't believe how much Shrek stuff is there. The ride, a 4-D show, is well made but really bad and felt like a reminder of how far Mike Myers and Eddie Murphy have fallen. They're all over that ride in the way others aren't.

I wish I could be that easily pleased.

There's something uncanny valley-ish about Alden Ehrenreich in that photo. The longer I look at it, the less sure I am of what they've done to him but it's like they've made him look older and younger at the same time.

Can you actually link me to some examples of any of this stuff instead of just saying it's everywhere? Besides for articles about Ivy Leagues, which are a world unto themselves, all I ever see about this stuff are people such as yourself talking about speech codes and new reading lists but never linking to any

Strong repercussions from liberals for saying what?

There were weird stories about Cosby going around before the scandal broke. I've heard nothing but good things about Hanks.

What speech is it that liberals have stopped you saying?

The older I get, the more politics looks like Franz Kafka's The Castle. What's happening in politics is a totally different realm to what's happening in the village and the messages they send down are nonsense. Whatever side people took on the last election, I don't know how you can look at a presidential election

And still lost.

Can they work together to make a streaming service that isn't complete shite then so I don't have to go looking for piracy websites in the first place?

It looks like the CIA has had the whole cast pushing too many pencils.

He only got there because of the national attention caused by the campus protests.

Very likely. His MMA apparel line is called Jesus Didn't Tap, for example.

"…I am an ephebophile and that's definitely OK."

But that was what got him so far in the first place. He was the gay man who embodied all their worst fears yet knew homosexuality was morally wrong so spoke out about it from first hand experience.

That is one thing I've wondered about Milo. He talks a good game but he's never been linked with anybody, and nobody has ever spoken about dating or sleeping with him. Not that he necessarily has to be seen with another guy but it seems very convenient to his gimmick that all his gayness - for lack of a better term -

Now that I'm not sitting at a desk all day, I'm a little behind in the Joe Rogan Experience and in the three years I've listened to it, I've only ever skipped fight companions and the episode with Gavin McInnes but coming up on my feed is a four hour podcast with Stephen Crowder and I can't imagine anything worse. Is

AV Club level viewers also think Winter Soldier is the political thriller for our age and JJ Abrams was employing some kind of poetic ring theory in The Force Awakens. It isn't exactly Mensa around here.

He's posh and that's enough.

Bane wasn't "almost" stupid.