the lies of minnelli

Just in case you needed more proof that Bono is one of the biggest dickheads walking the earth.

I knew he got cast when Dougray Scott couldn't make it because of his commitment to Mission: Impossible 2 but I didn't know it was so close to production that he didn't have time to grow sideburns. That's crazy.

600 pages into War & Peace and loving it. I wish I'd studied literature so I'd have a better knowledge of the period Tolstoy was writing in because I find it fascinating how he's writing tropes before they were defined, making them feel more organic and full of life than what they are now. For example, Prince Andrei's

They factor it in as far as they know the humans need it to function properly, which is why the earlier matrixes which were utopias then dystopias and so on until they got a balance didn't work, but the machines don't rank emotions above logic, which is why they don't take Neo chasing to save Trinity over Zion into

It looks odd compared to the end of The Matrix because the concept is that now they've broken the rules of the world instead of simply bending them but I don't know what's goofy about it. I suppose that's a matter of aesthetics. Neo only let Smith take him because he lost the fight, Smith didn't know that by hacking

Not being human, the machines don't factor it in; that's a major theme of the whole series. And, I assume the other ones had a Trinity but she wasn't on the verge of death at the time of meeting The Architect.

The existence of humanity is on the line in The Matrix Revolutions and takes place between two people who have been built up from the start of the first movie as gradually being able to bend and then break the rules of the world they live in. It isn't like they drop the ability to fly and do all that crazy stuff out

They do. That's the whole point of the scene with The Architect. His predecessors chose to go to the core and reset the system, he chose to go and save Trinity instead, forcing him to actually be the chosen one instead of the glitch in the algorithm.

So? Why is that a deal breaker? It's fine for a guy to punch hard enough to shatter concrete and move fast enough to avoid bullets at short range but, woah now, flying? Dial it back a little.

I saw parts of the first X-Men over Christmas and Hugh Jackman is a testament to the power of steroids. I used to think he was yolked from the start but in that first one, he looks like guys that are in my local gym and it's only from X2 onwards that he gets an actually superhuman physique. I'd be amazed if he wasn't

I don't understand why the anime fights in The Matrix are considered good but the anime fights in the Matrix Revolutions are bad.

This speech is nice but there's a reason why John Waters is revered yet can't get funding for anything. America has always been a monoculture and the obsession with the free market ensures the most boring people succeed.

What is it about the messianic archetype that's actually bad? I've seen it in film criticism for as long as I've been paying attention to it but it seems to be the one theme middlebrow critics notice without fail and always make a point of scorning but they also never actually say why it's a problem.

He's been doing that from the start. His role as the gay conservative varies between showing that the right isn't totally homophobic and embodying all the negative stereotypes that the right believe. For example, he spent a good chunk of his first appearance on Joe Rogan talking about how his gayness was a choice and

I don't want to get into conspiracy theories or anything but that seems like something only someone addicted to cocaine would do.

Even though the actual content hasn't changed, the difference between the early Chapo Trap House episodes and the ones where they started using actual microphones and an editor is night and day. I can't think of any YouTube personalities who have qualitatively changed that much through such simple means.

Too soon.

He was too busy helping someone score a home run.

I've always assumed this is why Americans still hate Russians, and are so scared by the current ties. Since they installed free market capitalism in the 90s, Russia has embodied America's fairly near future, specifically in regards to what would happen when the mostly unjustified good faith people have in their

That's the worst thing about it. The only reason why anyone pays attention to him is because he might have the view of the average STEM Reddit poster but he's from a wealthy family so he sounds posh and that's enough to get people to take him seriously.