the lies of minnelli

Why do liberals insist on fact checking him when it's crystal clear he has no interest in being factual?

What is it that Milo says that particularly needs to be heard or debated?

All three of those men have some big clunkers on their CVs.

Good call. I thought I was the only person on Earth who liked that film.

It's been long enough since I heard it that I now find Michael Fassbender's real voice more fake sounding than his terrible American accent.

The very same.

I never thought I'd encounter a Great Job, Internet! that was actually good but last week I watched Sorcerer and thought it was the earliest movie I could think of where the blood didn't look like red paint and intended to do some research on it this weekend.

And the Democrats have proved that they're fine with it as long as they compromise along the way.

She also spent her whole career pushing for war, supporting corporations, repeatedly backing down over abortion rights, minimum wage increases and don't forget the disastrous welfare reform of Bill Clinton's presidency that she was an integral part of.

What's the point of an opposition party that seemingly puts up no opposition?

Fight back rather than compromise as they always do? Why should anyone vote Democrat if they lost so much under Obama's presidency?

Blame the party that allowed 14 states to pass voter suppression laws while under their presidency, blame the party that ran a presidential nominee who was under FBI investigation and blame Russia, a country far less powerful than your own, for being able to subvert your beloved democratic process.

That's what's great about American democracy. It always comes down to a 50% chance of voting for the people who own the means of production and don't give a shit about anyone else.

And still managed to lose the election.

Americans have no class consciousness whatsoever, so the millionaire who's on reality TV and eats McDonalds is more relatable than Hillary, who has spent at least two decades as an establishment politician, regardless of their respective backgrounds. Not to mention that neither have ever been interested in being a

I also don't mind the Hall and Oates scene when viewed in isolation, but the rest of the movie is septic.

Drug War, Three, Office (which is Hong Kong based but very much about the mainland too), Police Story: Lockdown and Black Coal, Thin Ice;

In a recent interview, Béla Tarr said the market is as much a censor for his post-Soviet movies as the Soviet government was when he first started as a filmmaker, and I don't know how anybody could look at modern cinema and argue otherwise.

After hearing how Batman killing people in Dawn of Justice wasn't fun, I didn't know a guy who shoves a pencil through a person's eye and got two thugs to fight to the death with a broken pool cue counted as fun.

This guy looks like my former boss pretending to be a teenager.