the lies of minnelli

Making it look like a good thing that construction is propped up by cheap, imported labor.

Also one of the very few shows to have a great final episode too.

I don't think a show has gone so far downhill so quickly. I watched the first three episodes with a friend who loves anything zombie related, and it went from an apocalyptic nightmare to a dumb, violent sandbox in the space of maybe 90 minutes. I gave up totally after the cringeworthy episode based around that guy who

Its actually pronounced ch-witz-er-land.

I've never really paid attention to the Super Bowl half time shows but I found her performance incredibly stressful. All that running up and down stairs, while singing, while millions of people watched, had me about a nervous as I was when watching the game itself.

It's the Super Bowl half time show. What is it you're expecting her to do?

Julian Edelman is Jewish, dickhead.

It's directed by Daniel Espinosa so I highly doubt it.

Awards season is an increasingly terrible reminder that the people who make movies and TV have the worst taste in movies and TV.

I can almost guarantee that a venn diagram of those two groups would be a perfect circle.

Why would he be referring to common criminals? The line fed to him by O'Reilly isn't.

Who is it that's signing off on all the drone strikes?

Trump's talking about the hard R version of the k-word.

Trump thinks America's got a lot of killers; the entire globe knows it.

Donald Trump, who got a letter of congratulations from Bill Belichick, was hired by Robert Kraft, whose Super Bowl 39 ring is in the possession of none other than Vladimir Putin. Just how deep does this conspiracy go?

I listened to this expecting it to be some dramatic difference but if you asked me what was wrong with it, I'd just say the piano was too loud. The original is shit and this is just a slightly different kind.

Why are the playing a le sportsball game at the Lady Gaga concert this Sunday?

If we're going to be this tenuous about what's pop culture news and what isn't, can we get a newswire about a protestor at UC Berkley using the alias Lana Wachowski?

If it's good enough for Gabriel Macht, it's good enough for me.