the lies of minnelli

I, also, would like to make millions just by standing in front of a green screen.

Doesn't that describe every one of his movies for the past twenty years or so?

No, he never.

I get that feeling from a lot of American actors and actresses. Jessica Alba is pretty and everything but there's nothing sexy about her.

I can't pinpoint when it happened but there's definitely a point in Rodriguez' career where it started to be clear in the movies themselves that he had so much fun making them that he didn't actually care how they turned out at the end.

And respect. He's always been ashamed of being a wrestling promoter.

The original film is incredibly boring so I may have missed it, but is the life being stolen stuff in there or is that from the TV series/sequel? I have no recollection of it at all.

Because we get everything months after everyone else, spring is the best time for movies in the UK.

That was the turning point for me. It's one (terrible) thing to hear about a mass shooting on the news and have people do nothing about it, but another when it's a mass shooting involving children and people, not only do nothing, but claim it was a hoax involving crisis actors. That was when it became clear that

Was there this much handwringing over End of Watch? A horrible film that actually glorified dirty cops rather than a comedy about them.

I'm surprised this is getting a release anywhere, let alone an AV Club review. A cinema near me shows Polish films fairly regularly and, more than any of the others I've seen, I assumed The Lure was destined for cult cinema obscurity. Fun if a little threadbare but still a promising debut from Agnieszka Smoczyńska.

In the intervening nine years, it's become gauche to admit that this kind of clunky, stylised storytelling is what comic books actually are, rather than the whip-smart modern mythology people wish they were.

A lot of the montage stuff made me wonder if they were going to set a few films in World War II but, at some point in the production, the Avengers idea got the green light. The end really feels like a fast forward to get Cap where he needs to be.

Keanu was never bad.

It is fairly rare though because the vast majority of people can't tell the difference between depiction and endorsement.

Philanthropy is only good if you can't see a connection between how this one guy has billions and a large section of the population have nothing.

…but it's the Russians who operate on a cult of personality.

Is subdue code for maim, give brain damage, break major bones and/or irreparably damage major internal organs.

After seeing him so sad in The Lobster, it's good to know Colin Farrell will be having big fun in this.