the lies of minnelli

I thought it worked the other way around. Making films like Batman V. Superman and Rogue One make people actually think about the characters and worlds they obsess over, inevitably leading to difficult questions, so it tends to skew towards a self-aware gag every few minutes so that, when convenient, it can be excused

It's much better when they assault people and leave them to die off screen instead.

Lads… it's a children's movie.

Disney got to all the cheap hacks first.

Kevin Feige ran the numbers and realised the Marvel audience would have been confused if there were two black characters in the same movie.

1. All films are PG-13 now.
2. Why should they be about zombies? There's probably been two new zombie movies released between your post and my reply.
3. I hope you're that picky about everything you watch. In either AVP or Resident Evil, is there anything to suggest that isn't intentional? I forget what gets explained

He shouldn't have to defend himself but you do get the feeling that he and, to a lesser degree, Michael Bay wouldn't get the flak they do if they had been more devoted to the source material. The big directors and franchises tend to get critiqued on how slavish they are to an earlier property than the quality of the

If the movies are anything to go by, they're relevant as social criticism until that suggests something negative when they become nothing more than fun escapism again.

Nerds hate women and love oligarchs so it makes sense.

This is more to do with the Royal Rumble but is there no way WWE could use prop steel chairs instead of the real thing? Banning the headshots was the right move but still having them be the main weapon means they have to use them in either stupid ways, like doing a gut shot with the edge, a lot like the equally dumb

The Strowman twist is my least favourite kind in wrestling. Specifically, when the gimmick is so perfectly set up to be the feud ended and instead they do an alternate version of the same swerve in order to keep it going. It feels extra poorly done here because of how weak Reigns and Owens look coming out of it.

I wish my conscience could be so easily pleased. Do you also see Made in Bangladesh on your clothes and think that it's good those people have jobs too?

Who knew it was so easy to convince people that minimum wage work for massive corporations actually a good thing.

If they're such good pals, why isn't he repealing the sanctions as fast as he's enforcing this muslim travel ban?

Howard Schultz was also pro-Clinton so it isn't as if they were backing real alternative.

So what does all this have to do with Vladimir Putin?

Directed by Paul W.S. Anderson = Good
Directed by Russell Mulcahy = OK
Directed by Alexander Witt = Bad

His films aren't necessarily horror movies and, if they are, they fear isn't of the zombies. In the first one, for example, the horror is the cold and calculating corporate oversight of Umbrella and the fact everyone who gets zombified in The Hive is one of their employees makes it one of the few zombie movies where

I hope that there's some deep regret at the Oscars when she's shown in the In Memoriam and they collectively remember they gave her Best Actress award to Jennifer Lawrence.

This is a real shame. I've been a fan of Paul WS Anderson for a long time now and thought he was going back to The Hive to do it properly this time. The first Resident Evil stands out as the only WS film which plays to its weaknesses: English actors speaking with bad American accents, German actors speaking bad