the lies of minnelli

She can't have that much brain or experience if she can't win against a reality TV star who has been playing the rich villain persona since the 80s. The only people who seem to talk her up are condescending people like yourself who think politics is about smart vs. dumb.


Just because she's disappeared and decided to go wandering in the woods, it doesn't mean that her total failure as a politician has gone away.

Not only is the Cold War long over, as soon as the Berlin Wall came down, Reagan and Thatcher's people were over there, setting up their disastrous free market economy and ushering in the era of oligarchs. There's no crisis that Americans can't or won't use to make money and this is no different. Also, we're deep

If there's any consolation in this it's that, much like the outpouring for George Michael, it's great to know just how beloved these people are.

- Alanis Morrissette

That's why she lost.

Lena Dunham and her ilk are only in my brain as a nightmare.

Her having no personality beyond being the female equivalent of a soulless career politician is where the cult came from. It inspires the kind of liberals who can afford to care about aesthetics but nobody else.

It's almost as if the cult of personality around Hilary Clinton and her preordained Presidency is desperate for anything to excuse her loss.

Apparently being able to Google business periodicals from the 90s and 00s that talked about Russia as a burgeoning market that the sickeningly wealthy should get involved in is on par with Watergate now.

Pater looks familias to me.

Does everyone on Earth like Jackie Chan? Looking for a film that me and seven other overstuffed, mostly tipsy family members, aged between 16 and 55, could watch together on Netflix and the first thing nobody vetoed was Skiptrace and we all enjoyed it in one way or another. Worth it for the Mongolia sequence but the

Besides for late period Spielberg, at the very least, those guys were making films from the perspective of a grand spectacle. Nolan is making films from the perspective of letting you know how clever he is first, grand spectacle maybe second, and that's informing a lot of people's tastes in regards to what clever

The Wachowskis have never made a bad movie and Blade Runner is the only thing Ridley Scott has made that's on par with Cloud Atlas.

We'll get there one day.

When promoting The Martian, the way Ridley talked about the shoot and his ethos towards movie making made it sound like he treats filmmaking like a hobby these days.

Star Wars has been bad since it started doing that because the last good one was in 1980 and Lord of the Rings was bad from the start.