the lies of minnelli

The wrong brother died.

They were released a week apart in the UK and I couldn't believe just how much better Tom Ford shoots Amy Adams reading a book compared to how Denis Villeneuve shoots her looking at computer screens.

It reminded me of modernist literature. The whole thing is pretty much a stream of consciousness from Christian Bale.

It's almost literally unwatchable. There's a lot of scenes that are impressive when you think about them but in the film itself, they were awful. When Henry shimmies up the side of the building, that would be cool if we could see more than a super close up of the brickwork and the occasional view of his hands holding

I liked it a lot until it ended up going nowhere. After this and Only God Forgives, Refn really needs to start working with someone else's material again, even if it's like Drive and he strips most of it away.

Nocturnal Animals is definitely the most underestimated film of the year. A throwback in the sense that it's a genre film for adults, the kind they don't make like they used to etc., that works on a bunch of incredible levels at the same time. It's a taut thriller, an examination on the importance of art in a person's

There's a Hallmark Christmas movie in this premise: I've spent the past six weeks or so being the guy who has to order gifts for people online due to family members being old, clueless, unjustifiably secretive or some combination of the above and, only today, when wrapping the stuff, did I realise that I haven't

Barcelona are also undefeated because they end games with the most possession.

I'd prefer the Income Disposal articles if they ended with a gif of an animal from The Flintstones saying "It's a livin'".

I read the script when it was in the blacklist and thought that the only way it could be good would to be exactly like that, but I could only see that film existing in Silent Running era 1970s science fiction.

Besides for now being honest in their intentions, nothing has happened to the Republicans. Trump is terrible but pretending Reagan and the Bush dynasty were reasonable is a total whitewash.

And an English professor in The Gambler. Even though he was really good at it and that film is severely underrated.

Volcel represent.

Which trailer did you see? The first trailer, which was all about setting the tone of the film, was great; the second trailer, which makes it look like a feature length episode of CSI, really had me worried. Thankfully, it seems to skew much closer to the original.

It's a shame Peter Berg is such a patriotic weirdo. Not only does it make him hard to defend as a person - his 'join the military, motherfucker' rant while promoting Battleship will make me cringe forever - but it's often the thing that ruins his otherwise great movies. After this and Deepwater Horizon, I'd really

Everything I've heard about this makes it sound incredible but I'm looking forward to knowing more about how it displays the corporate world. I'd forgotten until I read the review but a producer I know saw the film at TIFF and, when talking about it, he said it's the only film he's seen that gets to just how

He's a good comedian but in everything else he comes across as a comedian pretending to be an actor in a sketch.

I've been watching the NFL since midway through the 2000 season and that was by far the worst Super Bowl game I've seen. I'm a Patriots fan so, of course, there have been worse results, but Cam choking and Peyton being a passenger for three hours was almost unwatchable.

The politico class has proved itself to be beyond useless. Smarmy for the whole cycle, then proved wrong, then they carried on like nothing had happened. People like Kurt Eichenwald and Jill Fillipovic have basically turned into less credible economists and yet they still get paid a fortune to pad out newspaper and

I'm not so sure a deep state coup is a great idea.