the lies of minnelli

Nerds are real and you're probably mad because you are one,

The myth the people who live in cities are somehow reaping the rewards of a recovering economy doesn't help.

Don't you turn the pages?

Yeah, there was an interview with him where he said The Nice Guys was for a TV show he pitched and got rejected so he retooled the pilot into a movie. the thing that gave it away to me was the central mystery adding up to nothing in a way that would play better in a TV series, where it could be revealed later, instead

Christopher Nolan's influence is the thing that makes me fear the most for the future of film.

Books are more interactive than video games.

I hope this also functions as a prequel to explain Common's high tech assassin character from Run All Night.

From this review, this sounds like it's bad because it's affiliated with the wrong franchise so the problems can't be hand waved away with nostalgia, rather than actually being worse than the usual fare. For example, the description of the opening could be applied to every Star Wars movie - only because you didn't

Maybe they realised that a byline asking why Michael Fassbender is in Assassin's Creed is pointlessly condescending considering he's already done three films as Magneto.

You should open your heart to me, baby. I hold the lock and you hold the key. Open your heart to me, darling. I'll give you love if you, you turn the key.

Maybe you should see the film first before talking about how complex it is.

Americans just don't get or don't like raves.

I haven't seen Rogue One but I'd be amazed if they didn't spin Donnie Yen's character out into something for the Chinese audience.

I can't stop thinking of the recycled plot points in Arrival so I saw that and immediately thought of the fallen statue of liberty head on the Escape From New York poster and Gosling using Peter Venkman's piano trick to summon Deckard, only to find a cranky Harrison Ford in his pyjamas, already waiting to be killed

I missed this when it was in the cinema but everything I read makes it sound like a more prosaic, blunt version of The Measure of a Man and that's a little off putting. But, as someone who works for a company that's very unreliable with the guaranteed hours and, starting this Friday, will be unemployed until my

Also, don't forget their brief concern over Transnistria wanting to join with Russia. Nobody had ever heard of the place but suddenly their allegiance was of paramount importance.

A bunch of these aren't out in the UK until next year so my preliminary top ten list, taken from Letterboxd, looks like this:-