the lies of minnelli

That's why Clint Eastwood doesn't have one. I remember the interview where he talked about it: "They called me up and asked if I wanted a star, I said yes. They said, OK, that'll be $30,000, so I said no."

Kill la Kill is nuts and only one season long.

Thankfully, a bunch of liberals are crowdfunding thousands of dollars to get it fixed, all in the name of decorum.

Pravda Vodka Bar in Toronto, no contest.

He's one of my favourite character actor and I wish he got more recognition in general. I watched Walter Hill's Geronimo biopic recently and he only turns up for one scene but he's really good in it.

I need to lose weight. I noticed today that I've moved up a hole in my belt and, even though I was on the last hole anyway, that's never a good sign. In regards to everything else though, things are looking good: I've finally cracked being able to do 3x8 incline bench press with 17.5kg dumbbells after feeling stuck on

How can I let my neighbour's cat know I'm friendly? When it was a kitten, it climbed over the fence into our garden but one of the bigger cats from the neighbourhood was there - we have a tree so in the summer it's basically a shady hangout spot - and when I went to stop it from pouncing on the kitten, they both ran

The Dark Knight isn't very good at all. It just has a lot of the correct signifiers in it.

That's a totally different era.

Kids aren't the ones paying for these movies. The average age for Marvel and Star Wars moviegoers is something like 31.

I'm piggybacking your topic to ask for tips regarding Skype interviews. I have one next week and don't really know what to expect. Also, I'm concerned because the person I've been in contact in has really bad English so all I can imagine is that I won't get the job because of a translation mistake somewhere.

And then none of those guys have gone near superhero movies, besides for Stallone who is both a little desperate these days and appearing in a knowing way.

That's part of why Hell or High Water is so good. The hero riding off into the sunset as civilisation comes from the east with its train tracks and government officials has long been part of the genre but in Hell or High Water, not only has civilisation rolled past but the next generation after Chris Pine's character

They'll keep coming as long as the hype continues. What I'd be interested in is how they're viewed in retrospect: the western may have mostly gone away but a lot of those films are rightly considered classics whereas superhero movies are pretty much disposable blockbusters in the vein of Pirates of the Caribbean or

They became movies for dads because all the stars like John Wayne and Clint Eastwood aged out and the popular actors did action movies instead, and so on.

In fact, you could call it Jack Strange: Reach Around!

And it isn't like Romney is living on Old Kent Road these days, is it?

Again, what are you basing any of that on?

I'm so glad that he never got his adaptation of Metal Gear Solid off the ground.

I was hoping this was going to be an expansion of the Bastille Day/The Take universe. There was a lot of potential in that movie.