the lies of minnelli

Her losing to Holly Holm wiped out a lot of casinos in the short term so there was probably a financial loss for him somewhere.

What are you basing any of that on? Peter Thiel just gave him $1.25 million.

Business schools never lean left beyond contemporary liberal moral grandstanding.

Cube is one of the first examples I can remember of appreciating a tiny budget used well; I got about halfway through before I realised it was just one cube set edited together instead of a massive hangar with a few cube sets stacked on top of each other.

The comic is cheap and tasteless.

Well, he ain't my boy but the brother is heavy…

A few?

Hollywood has always been into making money, but it used to do that by making films people wanted to see instead of now charging £9.75 per ticket.

Thankfully, capitalism is all about competition in the free market and not seeking rents in any and all available areas.

I'll have to check out Worst Bestseller. It sounds along the lines of I Don't Even Own A Television, which, so far, has been the only literature based podcast that regularly makes me laugh.

The thing that stood out to me on the trailer for A Cure For Wellness was the description of Gore Verbinski as a visionary director. Are Mousehunt, The Ring Remake and The Pirates of the Caribbean films really that visionary?

I didn't see Jack Reacher 2 because cinema tickets are far too expensive. At what point does the price bubble burst? Nerd validation is an ever replenishing resource so Disney will always do well but the upper middle class of movies such as this or Deepwater Horizon must really be hurting, right?

That was like a very expensive Tim Vine routine.

Maybe cinema isn't for you if you need body language and mise-en-scène explained to you like that.

This isn't the only Joss Whedon things where it's clear but where is it that you draw the line on what he had control of and what he didn't? Age of Ultron is a long, overstuffed movie but it's also very simple and the arcs and morals applied to these characters is too clear and consistent for it to be somebody else's

There's enough money for Andy Serkis to get his arm cut off, I'm sure there would have been enough for an appearance for long standing characters in the big crossover movie.

It's just really bad.

Gotham falling apart as soon as Batman leaves, with Scarecrow putting on show trials and Bane making a point that the only person who can save the people is the billionaire robber baron who dresses like a bat and is famous for assaulting low level thugs, is more than enough for a Rand parallel regardless of when it

It isn't that it's bad - there's a lot of bad movies around - it's the way that it's bad that's the problem.

it's pretty clearly presented as them being so touchy feely is creepy and weird.