the lies of minnelli

I'm just waiting for them to realise the inevitable and give us a full podcast.

Even to say those are four good movies - I'd argue one is good, one is OK and two of those are terrible - four in a summer season which now starts towards the end of April is enough to say the movies were bad in 2014.

Cool shirt, Ignatiy.

Though Olympians get older, they get no more famous.

I think that's the same reason Sidney Poitier calls someone a motherfucker in Sneakers too.

Yeah, I do that when my jokes bomb too.

I LIKE that they killed Elle Fanning in such a horrible, cannibalistic way (realises I'm not Jen Kirkman) sorry I'm sorry I'm trying to remove it.

There is a middle ground between autism and nonsense.

Lost interest by the time I hit the space bar twice and realised I was still looking at a slack thread.

If you're still going to take marriage seriously, you may as well go all in.

Maybe the allure of seeing people run in a straight line for ten seconds or lift up something heavy and put it down again isn't that big now real sports go on year round.

Glad to see Schoenaerts sojourn into period pieces is over. For a long time he was my favourite actor and then 2015 was entirely garbage.

I've never gone out of my way to look up the specifics but I've always found the hard switch in how smoking is featured in American movies to be pretty remarkable. It's everywhere and in a lot of cases pretty natural and then somewhere in the late 80s, it became the modern equivalent of the black hat as a signifier

I hope it removes a lot of the 90s as all get out random asides, like the cut away to the matches exploding in his pocket. They really stand out as making the film seem like juvenilia compared to the rest of his movies.

I should watch it again because I remember liking it but his recent run has soured me on everything about him.

They could have put it on a t-shirt if it was paraphrased from a comic book.

Very looking forward to this. Caught two different trailers for it at the cinema and they make it look like a cross between Walter Hill's Extreme Prejudice and Justified. Just a shame I have to wait a month for it to arrive in the UK.

I'm glad you posted this because the description of it being cheery feels totally wrong to me. Even at the time I felt it was quite sad, same with the File Select music, even though there's nothing about loading a save that should really feel that way.

Even with that low output, The Great Gatsby is in among the worst of all time.

The BBC is bad.