the lies of minnelli

It was. And, funnily enough, Speed 2 was the working title for The Boat That Couldn't Slow Down.

Robocop was very good.

Jason Momoa is perfectly cast as Alexander McQueen.

The World is Yours Also

It's the perfect move. From one thoroughly unwatchable genre film director to another.

I listened to CT Fletcher do his ten rules for muscle growth on Steve Austin's podcast and the one about listening to your body really stuck with me. My most hated exercise is pull ups; I don't know what it is but they just feel weird to me and far more draining than they should be. Today was my first back day since I

Did you get up to Caleb? That was when I started reading it from the perspective of wondering how much worse Yanagihara was going to make it on Jude instead of enjoying it.

Which ones? I stopped after the rest of the Sprawl Trilogy was terrible.


I feel like I'm here too late and too buzzed on the alcohol I've been drinking alone all evening to really make it worth putting a proper idea forward but I think millennials having less sex is tied heavily into the marketisation of everything, including sex and everything that comes with it, destroying intimacy.

No, I haven't seen it and I'm going to see Professor Venkman this week to see if I actually have ESP or not.

Neither of those are based on preexisting properties and it's 2016 so they were expected to fail.

Upvoted for truth.

This has made me wonder how big a deal it would have been if the film had been made as it is, only all the callbacks/rebooted plot points were from Ghostbusters II instead of the original. It would have had all the nostalgia safety the studios wanted but played off material that easily could have been improved. Would

The behind the scenes footage showing how they make Vin Diesel look even close to the size of The Rock is amazing. It's the best special effect in the whole franchise.

They're too insecure to do it. She invites them to take a shower with her at the start and they keep their clothes on and that prompts her to work on their confidence.

Not being able to do that and having to sneak the cartridge to a classmate and get him to do it for me is my biggest gaming embarrassment. I get that it's a good way of demonstrating the fidelity of the controller but at maybe 9 years old, I didn't understand what it wanted, and at such an early stage in the game, it

It did in terms of exploration within the levels but the tropical theme and the use of the FLUDD really limited everything; the only thing I remember feeling like a real improvement was the level with the haunted hotel in it. Enough people say it's underrated for me to want to go back and see it again now but my

Combat being the crux of video games in why I stopped playing them. A big example is Mass Effect 2: it's a game full of alien races, political intrigue and intergalactic travel and every single mission involved some kind of gunfight. I remember the feeling in the pit of my stomach any time I'd open a door and walk

I can't believe that they still haven't moved the thumbtacks on the dualshock. Barely any games even use the d-pad as the main input anymore and yet the sticks are still in that awkward place.