the lies of minnelli

People forget Lucy was incredible. With the most popular movies being based on cast iron premises like a guy is bitten by a radioactive spider and becomes a super powerful human or tales from an apocalyptic BDSM themed Australia, you'd think something that uses a bit of outdated science as a jumping off point for a

I'd understand this if China's movie industry was as paltry as Germany or Australia but it isn't like they're hurting for movies with Chinese talent in front and behind the camera.

They're useful because they stand out so you know where to stop when looking for the sudoku puzzles.

Of all the person-walking-away-from-the-camera endings that Michael Mann made, that's his best.

Albums aren't really thing in dance music so here's ten of my favourite songs:-

Snyder-like job: It's dark in here.

The thing that really got me is that I laughed at the toilet stall gag every time I saw the trailer, then laughed just as hard when I saw it in the movie, then laughed even harder when it went on longer than what they show in the trailer. It might be the first comedy I've seen in years where the best stuff was only in

Volcel represent.

Definitely triumphant but it's a scene involving a really good sniper taking out his arch rival. It's a major plot moment but I don't think it has much to do with the character besides for it being a validation of his skills.

This doesn't absolve Clint but he's known for doing absolutely nothing with scripts he's given and the project was initially destined for Steven Spielberg so just imagine how much worse it could have been.

I'm seeing double. Quadruple towers!

I'm surprised "because it's epic XD" wasn't enough.

Another takeaway from this is that conservatives - admittedly, like the bulk of contemporary movie goers - don't pay attention to what they're seeing. American Sniper is built around showing how Chris Kyle was pretty much fucked from the start and then turned into a husk by the combat he was faced with. Even if the

That's only because he plays a hammy bad guy and is working off Lee Marvin, Clu Gulager and/or John Cassavetes.

I was thinking the other way around. Bay's direction in 13 Hours is perfect for the sense of chaos that takes up the entire second half of the film whereas Greengrass simply doesn't know how to keep still; the one shot that sticks with me is the wild handheld movements he used to film Damon writing an email in Green

Seize the means of production.

Max Landis might be the most Reddit person alive so I'm really not surprised to see he's an active user.

I read about Olivier Assayas' movies and they all sound interesting in one way or another but I never get around to them because of how bland and misguided Clouds of Sils Maria was. The acting was exceptional but his directing was consistently bland and, depending on the scene, the tone was either sneering or clueless.

It was appalling.