the lies of minnelli

Their versions of War & Peace and Then There Were None were garbage so I expect this to be much the same. Well acted but poorly shot and adapted down into the simplest, most easily digestible plot.

Definitely not.

I don't like the end of history attitude either but at the same time I see nothing that says it's not happening.

Boredom is living death.

But he's really, really, really smart. Some, namely smart guys like myself, would say he's too smart for his own good.

He comes across much worse in his first appearance on Joe Rogan. He's definitely honed his craft in the past few months.

He's a former property developer from a wealthy family who bought his way into online journalism and finally found a hook with the alt-right after gamergate happened. There isn't much more to him than that.

Necro = Dead
Polis = Turkish Police

I don't get it. His set piece staging is poor - off the top of my head, the gunfight in the rain in Inception, is a tedious back and forth masked by the gimmick of the train running through the middle; Batman fighting Bane made both men look sluggish and stupid; the fistfight on the monorail in Batman Begins is

He thinks he's making action movies so his action scenes should be a main priority. If someone made a comedy that wasn't funny, you'd critique the jokes too. But aside from that, he's poor in general because his films are always treated like a puzzle for the audience and protagonist yet his lack of spatial awareness -


No, that's Colm Meany you're thinking of.

What's well shot about them? His action scenes are beyond amateur and his colour palette does all the hard work in the rest of his direction.

I didn't think it could get sadder than Club Applebees, but there it is.

That's such a New York thing to do that I can't even cringe at it.

Walter Hill is absurdly underrated. It seems like everyone knows of his films but never tie them together into a career.

I wish I'd known that the songs in Nashville were all originals from the actors when I saw it. It's a great film but that would have probably added more to it; I know I definitely would have paid more attention to what they were singing.

Remember when he cried about losing verified status on Twitter?

Definitely. Resident Evil: Retribution is fascinating and his obsession with turning everything into some kind of labyrinth makes films like The Three Musketeers and Death Race more interesting then those of his peers.