
Rather late to the game here but you're thinking of "I'm Alright"- I too enjoyed those monikers.

It's made even worse by the way it fakes you out and makes you think it's over a couple times before it actually is, with the multiple pauses in the music before the guitars come back one! more! time!

No, it's a fair question. I say apocryphal because I think there was a certain element of playful exaggeration going on. Basically his tale went like this:
He had been meeting with Harrison Ford about making a movie, but Ford didn't like that Winding Refn wanted Ford's character to die at the end. The project fell

I was at a preview screening last night and Winding Refn did a Q&A afterward. He was definitely not a director for hire, and he told a hilarious (and possibly somewhat apocryphal) story about how he was inspired to make the movie- it involved flu meds from Harrison Ford and blasting REO Speedwagon- and when Gosling

Sister City! That episode made me (temporarily) give up on P&R. The first season wasn't great but it was still entertaining, same for the early season 2 episodes, but that was like some shitty nadir the show had to go through before it could start ascending to greatness. Of course at the time I didn't know this, and

So I dig that it's an adaptation and you can change whatever you want, but I really don't get why they made Pinky (seem) so much older than 17. I always thought his age was a key part of his character… I mean, the book specifically calls him "the Boy" for a reason. I picture him as this kind of scrawny, runty, mean

Rowlf Cameron Swayze if you'd like to call him by his full name.

My avatar compels me to be 'that guy' and point out that it's Rowlf, not Rolph. Goddammit.

The casting director for "All the Pretty Horses" saw it, since he plays the younger version of Matt Damon's character in that movie.

He likes his dessert first
They didn't have to give him the veggies

I have nothing intelligent to add to the discourse, I simply want to point out that, being from western PA, I would be totally okay with 100% more Sheetz product placement in enterntainment.

"A Salad Without French Fries On It"
No one in Western PA will be remotely interested.

You know what?
I find her completely likable. Kelly Clarkson is to me as "You've Got Mail" was to Ron on Undeclared.

Well I'm way too late coming back to this probably, but I stand by my comment anyway. The racism thing- sorry, but Ebony is nothing more than a stock caricature; Huck Finn and Amos 'n' Andy aren't really the best comparisons because they have redemptive properties, Jim being fleshed out and regarded humanely, Amos

I was gonna say, I'm pretty sure I didn't buy that Raging Bull Blu-ray on my shelf in Chinatown.

It's definitely important to stress that you should NOT start with early Spirit, unless you want to be totally underwhelmed and offended by racist caricature all at once. Fun!

Nothing ever happens on Mars
No sports or entertainment, or swinging bars.

I really loved the line in that episode of 30 Rock where Tracy Jordan hires the woman to play his mom and he's putting her down as "someone whose resume has black judge on it nine times!" The line seemed even sharper when, one day later I saw that actress playing, you guessed it, a judge on an older SVU rerun.