
It's just not fair to compare any other late show band to The Roots… I mean, they're The Roots. That was such a coup for Jimmy Fallon; they remain the only reason I ever watch his show.
Conan's band, though, has definitely always been the best of the rest; they have a certain classic charm to them… reminds me of the

Not sure about Wholphin but he was the subject of one segment of a This American Life episode (TV, not radio).

I saw that Vincent D'Onofrio episode for the first time after I'd been living in Baltimore for quite some time, and the thing I found most shocking about it was that, apparently, unbeknownst to me this whole time, Baltimore has a subway.

They used to occasionally do interesting things like that… I get the feeling you can only do it now if you're the right combination of weird but still backed by big major label dollars like Kanye is. I remember seeing some really great, strange Devo performances on SNL on some of the old seasons that are on Netflix

Jaime, when his writing is at its best, it's as good as comics get.

He probably would do an ok job, but nothing more. I haven't seen Enemy Mine, but of what of his I HAVE seen, Petersen really only has one certifiably great film in Das Boot, and his last film that I would say is even really particularly interesting (not counting people who find Troy gleefully bad rather than tedious)

Since there's probably no way an Ender's Game movie will ever live up to the experience that nerdy, sixteen-year-old me had reading it, I've really been wishing that this project would at least get picked up by a compelling director, someone with an auteurist streak who will at least make something

Comics Anthologies
"AX is naggingly inconsistent, even when culled for this best-of."

And I have to agree with a couple of above postings… Peppermint Patty and Charlie Brown together really developed into something special in the 70s, and I too never really loved Snoopy until his writing career began. There's one strip, which of course I can't find in my books right now, but it's Snoopy at his

@Breakfast Balls
I do believe the rotund brother would be Olaf.

"Survival Of The Dead is a frustrating disappointment, nowhere close to the director's classic '70s films—though it is better than Romero's last "reboot" zombie effort, Diary Of The Dead."
That's from the AV Club review by Noel- so ya'll have someone from the AV Club on your side

Careful, Built For Greed, you're gonna rile up the fine people of Altoona and you do not want to deal with my drunk uncle (once he gets his underpants off the roof)

JVS- I tried my best to be a fair sport and read her blog, but it still sounded just as defensive and full of convenient reinterpretations to me as it has when I've looked at it in the past.
I believe that the rules are probably weird and ill-set- this is a Bravo reality show, so it's bound to be rife with weird

How you present your piece is, essentially, part of the piece itself, so if you're going to frame it you'd best make sure the frame works right. I liked Abdi's piece a lot- wonderfully drawn, his best piece by far and definitely the winner of the night, but I hated the frame too. I didn't hate it to the degree that

I got a rock
I can't really imagine a successful way of using a rock to depict freedom, but I can definitely say that chaining it to a pipe, suspending it in air, and visually arranging it below your horizon line are all great ways of doing exactly not that! This week was especially curious considering Jackie told a

Here's a problem with Jackie's constant arguments about how the show makes her look bad: she replies with this long paragraph you've posted about how badly the TV cameras made her art look (which I'm sure is true, but is equally true of all the art- we never get to see any of it for very long and certainly get no

His recap this week is especially poignant for his discussing of (apparently?) flashing his balls

Haha, yes. I like how they're all formatted like little mini-letters as well. Just how much free time does that man have?

In other words, it's a reality show. Never thought anyone would go into these shows expecting to be represented accurately. Her responses to the show seem a little overly defensive and maybe bullshit-y to me, but that's probably more because of how relentlessly she trolls the comments on Jerry Saltz's recaps and

She didn't study under Jeff Koons, although she'd like you to think that- she worked at his studio, along with dozens of other aspiring artists in their twenties, performing all the tiny menial tasks required to produce his work.And from what I hear, she wasn't very good there, either.