
I've always been fond of the idea of John Prine's "Please Don't Bury Me"

Comic book coloring
I'm willing to accept that I'm in the minority here, but is anyone else bothered by a lot of comics coloring these days? I feel like the convenience of digital coloring has given rise to a certain wave of hackery. I'm not saying it's inherently bad, just that you have to really understand how to

Hey Harvard Sailing Team
I hope you lose your indoor soccer game!

I read through some of Jackie's blog, and all I can say is, either she didn't win this show, or she's even more narcissistic than I thought. She is a little thoughtful sounding, I suppose, after she's had months to reflect and make up new excuses for every thing that went wrong- she spent the majority of every post I

Oh my God they're gorgeous

Glenn Shadix
He will forever be Otho from Beetlejuice to me

Magical Elves
Is anyone else freaked out/bewitched/disturbed/otherwise taken by the horrible, horrible production company animation for Magical Elves that plays at the end of Top Chef and this show?
If you don't know what I'm talking about or just wanna relive it, it plays as soon as you go to their website: http://www

As someone who's known her since before she had 'em, let me just say: if you bang your professor enough, you too can have phony-looking bazaans purchased for you

Frustrating Show Is Frustrating
Yeah, lying about whose idea the Sharpies was such a strange misstep. The whole thing was frustrating for me and my roomates, because we went to undergrad w/ her, and her work has never really communicated what she claims it does, largely because those claims are vague and unclear-

Yeah, a lot of what was great about F&G came from Paul Feig. As I understand it, a lot of the really embarrassing story lines (for the characters) were based on things he'd really experienced, and he encouraged the writers to drudge up their own high school miseries, etc. Apatow was heavily involved but

Penguin Classics have always had sort of okay but kind of standard covers.

We were discussing how disappointingly half-baked all the contestants' concepts always are, and my roommate nailed it: "It's like they they turned a corner and just saw The Idea walking around the next corner."

It is annoying though, that they give a stated objective for the piece, and then didn't judge it according to that at all. I don't really mind, but cut the crap and just say at the beginning, "Here's some junk, do whatever, cause Jerry Saltz isn't your Painting II teacher judging how you fulfilled the assignment."

Hoping this changes some…
But for right now, the contestants really don't seem to be coming up with any kind of real, concrete, interesting ideas that are actually reflected in the final pieces they make. The top 3 has mostly been people like Miles and Abdi, who have some basic concepts going but mostly just know how

Whoa whoa whoa… Hanson doesn't have Greyhound money! You know they took NJ Transit.

*than you or I do

My point was just that they don't have to be. And while some people are addressing their feelings towards Sofia Coppola's movies specifically, plenty of other people have basically been applying this blanket argument, ala your last sentence, that all movies about sad, rich people are automatically shitty.

I would love to know what movies people with attitudes like Elitist Trash's DO find acceptable. I mean, looking at the movies that are currently out, of all the movies set in a relatively contemporary time period, Winter's Bone is probably the only one that doesn't depict people that are within the world's top 5-8%

Yes, I was a little disappointed about how they took the earlier, more justified "villain" angle on Nao and kept applying it there. I think probably everyone involved with that discussion was aware that they were getting at a really fundamental issue with art, but there's just no space for that kind of thing in a