

This is what happens when they rush their "reviews" out within an hour of the episode airing. I'd rather wait a day or two for the writers to actually gather their thoughts/actually formulate something other than an immediate gut reaction. The 30 Rock and Office reviews (the only ones I read weekly) are always just

Weird, I can think of several artists I would consider greater than Watterson, love him though I do. I think he's the greatest cartoonist of his generation, and probably the last great the newspaper comics will ever see, but I don't know about all time. I will vociferously argue for Peanuts as being an overall

I never listen to radio, nor would I say I like "Xerox music" either (but then who would?), but I still knew more than half of these songs and even liked some of them. MBI clearly just detects an overload of mildly annoying posturing by a lot of commentors on the board, who somehow simultaneously have never heard

That strikes me as pretty fair criticism.
I tend to be kind of visually oriented so I can be forgiving of a certain lack of story if the visuals are doing something interesting. Someone like Marc Bell really doesn't do stories at all, but his work is a pleasure to look at. Paper Rad on the other hand, I couldn't

much more cleverer-
Yeah, I was finally starting to give in to the fatigue of slogging through all the dim emotional misery that has been the past few issues of Acme, but I picked up #19 and that sci-fi just knocked my socks off- it's really thrilling when he does something really, actually new.

Great book if you're 16.

Noel, maybe you're among the minority, and maybe you're not. Most of my alt-comic friends actually kind of loathe Tomine. I don't hate him but I can't say I really like his work. The comparisons to Clowes are pretty common but fair. I like Tomine's artwork far better when he does an illustration- something like

Noel, would you care to enumerate on what those trends you don't like are? I'm just curious. I don't know if I would place KE on this list either- although I've really, really enjoyed them and I would definitely rather read any of the latter KEs than say, American Elf (ugh), they are generally spotty. Of course,

Documentary vs. tampered
I don't think you have to be Mike D'Angelo, Master of Noticing Things in Cinema, to be effected by a long, uncut shot, but it was nice of you to insult your parents while insinuating so!
I always thought the intended effect was for people to be vaguely aware that something wasn't quite normal.

"The food that Kevin cooks is the food that I cook on my day off."
I was really glad to see Kevin win this challenge, because it seemed to validate the idea that delicious food is delicious food, no matter how complicated it is to make. I'm sure Michael thinks he's really lobbying some serious criticism there, but

Yeah, sorry Mike, but unless your food tastes like a cocky asshole, your personality isn't coming through.

Yeah, he always read more Oregonian hippie-cum-lumberjack to me.

Stupid Eli
I was glad to hear Toby get out a snide remark- however small- about how fucking stupid Eli looked with his underdressed attempt at looking hip. When you're fat and have a giant head like him (and I'm speaking from experience here) you have to dress to counteract that, or you just look sloppy as fuuuuck.

Personally I always thought the book ending of Clockwork was the more interesting and challenging way to go. It just feels like the film ending is indulging in that conservative idea of a violent youth culture beyond all reproach, which admittedly has its sort of immediately satisfactory qualities to it. But then

Well, that's just my understanding, certainly I could be wrong. I'm willing to give him points for seeing Zach do stand up, liking it, and deciding he should do that video in the first place.
I think the problem is that Kanye really does strive to make interesting art with (at least some of) his videos, but he

That's cuz the Galifianakis version was put together after the original video was released, just as something Kanye asked Zach to do after seeing him perform.
Considering that video and his various works with Spike Jonze I'd venture to say he does know a good video.

I would have to agree with Attempted Moustache being a great intro, and it's also my most constantly respun album of his- certainly due in part to "The Swimming Song," one of my all-time favorites, from any artist.

I was a dumb teenager at the time but I loved On A Wire just the same. I think it holds up much better than Something to Write Home About, which for me languishes in a weird middle ground between the almost folksy approach of On A Wire and the other thing they do well, straight forward pop-punk/emo. For every "I'm a