
That's excellent, good to see her getting something prestigious…what a consistently hilarious thing, this "Peep Show."

That's excellent, good to see her getting something prestigious…what a consistently hilarious thing, this "Peep Show."

Saw "Sgt Pepper" on Netflix recently. Though certainly as horrific as advertised, the Brahs do a very good Nowhere Man and Robin does a very soulful, if truncated, Oh, Darling. Just FF to those bits and, well, there you go.

Saw "Sgt Pepper" on Netflix recently. Though certainly as horrific as advertised, the Brahs do a very good Nowhere Man and Robin does a very soulful, if truncated, Oh, Darling. Just FF to those bits and, well, there you go.

What a sincere tribute! Unexpected, tho the barrage of cruel comments was right on schedule.

What a sincere tribute! Unexpected, tho the barrage of cruel comments was right on schedule.

To be pedantic, it's "She's a Rainbow." No "like" except in the lyrics.

To be pedantic, it's "She's a Rainbow." No "like" except in the lyrics.

@ sconn - right on! And I couldn't care less what the "old blues guys" did to each other, from stealing licks to slicing up each other with straight razors. Knowingly stealing music is wrong.

@ sconn - right on! And I couldn't care less what the "old blues guys" did to each other, from stealing licks to slicing up each other with straight razors. Knowingly stealing music is wrong.

Jeez, Quebecistanis are rather prim about their cursing…from my research via a notoriously unreliable source, she either said "Chalice!" or "Get out of here," neither of which strike me as particularly foul.
Way to go, reinforcing the stereotype that Canadians (Or, rather, Quebecistanians, anyway) are pleasant,

Is he ever! What energy - they should have made him the co-lead.
1. He is named "Roger" which must have pleased his band mate.
2. He raves about "solid gold"  a callback to a song on his somewhat egregious solo album "2 sides of the Moon". That track, as it happens, also includes Ringo.

Ringo AND Keith Moon? That set must have been a drunken hoot. Though Ringo could certainly act, in a way.

"Skewed," I think. The book is certainly entertaining, tons of great detail, but he seems to really despise George and his playing. That bias kinda ruined it for me…

Possibly overthinking (or redundant), but wouldn't it male the most sense to drive, I dunno, somewhere really cold, like below freezing, and find a building with a generator to hang out in?

Brett: Is that a did giyall?
Fake Jemaine: Yis.
(stare expressionlessly at each other)

Nathan…another masterpiece, blending deeply observed bilious (deserved) abuse and genuine empathy. All hilariously. 

No comments? Well, this is weird. I thought the system was broken or something. Anyway, off to Neflix Instant to join in the fun!

"Olive Oyl" indeed…

Time-scale-wise, that helps. Though I wish they would leave that damnable farm already…