
One of the common threads on this board is the utter stupidity of the cast. This shouldn't be a surprise, I think. Look around sometime if you are, say, on any public transit; imagine these are the random people selected to hang out with in some post-apocalyptic world.

Oh, come on, it's not that bad; sounds in tune and the chorus is as bland an inoffensive as anything else. Surely there are more deserving targets of opprobrium?


"Bertrand" Russell…you might have been thinking of Bertram Goodhue, the architect…

Does the tin man have a sheet metal cock?

…and Murray was the right size, lurching around menacingly. Depp just isn't big enough to look dangerous.

And featuring Peter Wolf with an R&B flavor…

Damn…if you squint your ears enough, it definitely sounds like "Sweet Satan" is mentioned several times.

Yesh, exactly. Most people would cut off their arm for the job he's got…

I wonder if they ever had to send a check to Steve Winwood, et al, for "Champagne Supernova"? Playing it out live, it's incredible to me that you can flawlessly interchange "Dear Mr. Fantasy" (other than Oasis' bridge) and it just fits…(yes, yes, "amazing! 2 songs that sound alike…wow!")

Yeah, and the Criterion version includes the original script which had tons more dialogue…

Seriously, the rest of the boys must have been all "wha th'…" Brian and Carl's solo stuff has moments, but seriously…Denny turned out to be The Man! (and he's great in "Two Lane Blacktop" as well)

Indeed…"Sunflower" has got to be the best Beach Boys album that no one ever heard. (Though I guess "Add Some Music" got a little play)

or, rather, "friends".

What are friends for, after all?

Are you 'avin a larf?

Yeah, he really let himself go. Still, doesn't look too bad considering he's been dead since 1973.
Fun fact: the "elder" Harvey's real name: Zvi Mosheh Skikne.

Two questions:
1) Is it pronounced "Yansch" or "Jansch"?
2) Wasn't his partner's name "Renbourn"? (with the obligatory British "u")

Yeah, that bridge in "Summer '68" just BURSTS out of the speakers, in stark contrast with how mellow everything else has been up til then. It's quite startling (and owes something, I think, to Brian Wilson)

Thanks for clearing that up…I had a hard time figuring out exactly what he was doing, but I guess that mitigates the monstrous perversity some.