
(mournful harmonica accompanied by clanky, out of tune piano)

I attended both "fests" at MassMOCA and they were great! Hard to imagine who else could pull something like this off so apparently effortlessly. I hope they keep doing it!

That's the one where the Mel Gibson looking guy attempts, for some reason, to have intercourse with a Barbi Doll or the like? And get's caught. With a tiny plastic doll.

The Jayhawks, too…heard their recent single and thought it was an outtake from "Younger Than Yesterday"

@ Dick Grayson - yes, also, re: Peep Show, at one point, Mark & Jez's apartment gets burglarized and the culprits leave behind a "big poo", adding insult to crime…

Really? Some subtle, allegorical anti-Zionist agenda here?

Flaming Carrot likely belongs on this list…that enormous "mask" of his (on fire at the top) doesn't appear very comfortable. Seems otherwise well-adjusted, though.

Leave Dylan alone, Baldwin…I'll go for the broken bottle!

Funny, I thought the clip was quite touching…Frank seems to be enjoying himself in his goofy outfit, grinning at the naughty Laura Nyro lyrics about boozing it up. Hey, give him credit for trying!

Beck, Hendrix
I suppose merrily relating how Dave Grohl compared you to Beck and Hendrix indicates a healthy sense of self-regard.

Hitchcock's cameos were often clever, if brief.
Possibly doesn't fit the criteria…

TFS…surprising, excellent clip! Seeing cracked.com made me nervous, but my weak-minded prejudices must be overcome.
V. amusing…

Beady Eye music, mate

…and he's a lefty!

Holy crap, that "remix" was totally hilarious…just perfect.

Jeez…did anyone sit through that trailer. This looks pretty dire…is Corey wearing a proboscis prosthesis?

The poster ("Stay loose!") is possibly greater than the movie…

Swanstep…I like Model Shop for the dreadful, stiff acting of the zany gang from Spirit. Great cars, too…

Nathan…I had the singularly odd experience of being hired as a plant in the audience for some shows Rodney did at a supper club in Framingham, Mass back in the early 80's.
I was tasked with shouting out "setup" lines for him while roaming through the crowd, to ensure he got the chance to "zing" me. The irony was that

Beady Eye music, mate!