John Armstrong

I thought the death of Barry's mom was added for the tv show. Did this happen in a retcon of the Flash origin? last Flash I read was back when MWaid was writing it … so, nearly 25 years ago.
Jesus ….

Isn't that a demotion - Superman to Ted Kord? Who does he play next - Snapper Carr?

Tommy Tomorow

Here's how to fix this mess. And he's available ….

I pledge $25

When is it "too good"? Seriously.
About the only thing I can say about it that's positive is, there's some nice camerawork and some of the sets are cool.

Man, I would have killed to have a DVR that skipped forward while I was watching this ….

Don't worry. In episode six they ad Bat-Mite to the cast and things will be much better

Internets Grand Winner - kudos

so if you want an Oscar, you have to screw Billy Bob Thornton or play a cognitively impaired person. What if you play a retard who screws BBT?

and it had that guy who is the New 52 version of Jimmy Smits

yes, the girl fight was too short

agreed - it's no Herman's Head.

Civic waste management/garbage contracts have long been associated with organized crime, and it's an fiction trope of long standing cf. The Sopranos and a million others

you give Mrs Fresh Prince higher marks than I would. I really loather her/the character, some combination of the two.

people keep saying this and i keep thinking, who lowered the bar?

I thought the idea of a hitman with a pop-out steel spike was unbelievably lame, even though the actor did a fine job with what he was handed … which was a paper bag full of crap

Immortal dialogue -

so much more enjoyable than the show iteslf

Perhaps they'll break the fifth wall and kill the writers