John Armstrong

hey, it was college

they need to understand we are watching in shock and horror, like watching a crazy person cut up and eat his own foot

final episode - they all do X and screw in the ruins of TM Garage while Pet Shop Boys You Were Always on My Mind plays over the credits

as noted - soap opera: everyone has been married/screwed over/has their heart broken by everyone else in the cast so actually using any character's past would render them inert.
So - fuck it. It's the Mickey Mouse Club on Anything Can Happen Day, forever.

How did it start off well? The wheelchair dragging or the carving a swastika into a guy's chest, and then rubbing salt in the wound.

Your restraint is an example for us all

Word up

oh well, if you're going to get all technical ……

or the word "whole" or "I'm on it"

If Seinfeld had been about nihilism

as the demon form Constantine - that's what this show needs! Kung fu demons

how can you not hope that? I want magic flying kung fu sorcery. fuck, why stop the crazy now?

I can't believe we were *that* close to anal flute rape

Tim Roth Syndrome

It could have been 2 hours

"I can walk - I just choose not to"

Have you noticed the wierd thing of people in those scooters driving over to the aisle and product they want, then getting out of the scooter to walk around and price check?

You'd think the Secesh guys and Germans would be able to find common ground

I would love it if Unser killed her, then Jax killed him, then he killed hismelf.

I hear The Wire is pretty good, too