Better than True Blood is pretty faint praise
Better than True Blood is pretty faint praise
AHS never made any bones about being over the top, either, right form the start. Sons had pretensions of seriousness at the beginning before it went full cartoon. And I don't mean Chuck Jones.
Henry Rollins, who can gangrape somebody *all by himself*
I'll give you that - there's no saving this shitfest so why not go full retard?
"enough" and SoA? Contradiction in terms
so the 'fake blowjob' in the surveillance car gambit was …not so fake?
How could you tell? She just does that stern fat lady cop thing. The only thing that changes is minor adjustments to the severity of her glare
If only -
Didn't Unser already habve to go to Jax and tell him something awful about Gemma, once before?
I would love if Silvio showed up and shot the whole fucking lot of them
Whatever happened to his daddy's journal?
and Joanie Stubbs gets brought back just to get killed - kudos!
If you're going to have cancer, that's the kind to have, the kind the writer sorts of forgets about for seasons at a time and you just keep bumbling along.
What a lovable actor ole Charlie Udder is, regardless
That outfit gives me pause …
yes it is. Your turn
I will say now that after three episodes i think well of the actor and it might end up working. I take it most of you know him from other work? He seems like he's in some other, less shitty and confused, more serious show
the only hardass dialogue cliche he hasn't used yet is "stand down" - but the rest get plenty of play. "I'm on it", etc. Shmuck
he most assuredly is. he and Rob Leifeld should be chained together and thrown into the ocean, at a very deep spot
That hardly counts - I was thinking more "walked into the wrong leather bar" raped
Didn't hate this as much as the first two - I *liked* the balloon murders. I thought it was fine Penguin killed a co-worker for shoes; he's a 'the shortest distance between two points" type guy.
Hardass Alfred is growing on me - i never disliked the actor, just the take on the character.
But for the love of sweet baby…