John Armstrong

kind of a good news/bad news thing here: the murder of his mom is hokey, but it brings in Prof.Zoom, or as I prefer, Reverse Flash, one of the dopiest names ever for a character.
I think the gizmo wunderkind Ramon at STAR labs is going to get on my tits. He's already annoying, Dr. McGiantBrain being revealed as a

oh yes it is - really, now

ah - thanks. I'll have to try that

Still seems crap to me but I did like a couple of lines - 'flexible' was one, and "That doesn't sound very covert, May"
There was another nice one but I forgot it.

I'd say it's a C/C- and the teacher's comment would be, "Must try harder"

Yes it is. Come on now. This is horribly mediocre. Bed-shittingly bad.

"heavy Water"

Ah, the Mister Fantastic Theory of Any Size/Shape Penis he an think of.

Clint Howard is getting better lookiing as he gets older. Truth. However, he cannot possibly live long enough to become human looking.
Proof of
god's sense of humour

no, since marvel first introduced hip, ghetto heroes. Rivaled for awfulness anytime they tried to write "lyrics" to supposed 'rock star' character's songs. Such as Rick Jones.

let's get Key and Poole to write all the "brother' dialogue

Did Coulson actually say he needed a "solve"? Is that some hep, new language for "solution?" Like calling employees "hires."

It's a genuine accomplishment to be the hands-down worst thing in something this awful. Sa-lute!

I was very impressed with how Penguin broke that beer bottle on the upholstered headrest. God knows I've tried and it never breaks for me

we used to have a thing we said about bands we played with - "They're really nice guys"
Which meant the band sucked

Precious masturbating for a Minotaur ..

Like snowflakes, both these shows are shitty in their own, unique ways

that was particularly hard to swallow. Poor Lili trying to not find her - now, *that* was acting

There's porn about putting nails through your ballsack. Some people get enjoyment from that.
Now *that's* a guilty pleasure.
This is just standard-issue network tv.

It's world building, It's finding it's groove …. ah, it's shit.