John Armstrong

I love the guy but it feels like he's doing Robert Loggia

Yes, - this whole hardass Alfred thing smacks of "hey, we're doing it *different*." Which is not always a good reason for doing something

It's not your father's batman

it's a dramedy, I guess

Beware, wicked men ….

thanks - never seen it. I lead a quiet life, just me and my books and the cats ….

Also - who's idea was it to have Alfred be some kind of ex Brit drill sergeant/Cockney hardass - "Roight. Sterling work there, mate."

Improbable movie/tv apartments - a continuing problem

and doesn't she have a picture of a plant on her little shirt?

How is Pamela Isley a joke - I honestly don't get it

Only two things smell like tuna .. and one of them is Fish Mooney

and Shia LaBeef ….

I knew we were in trouble when they pulled back for the crane shot of young Bruce screaming, "NOOOOO!" beside his parents bodies.
When a cliche has been parodied so many times, and is so over-familiar of this one, it's the filmic equivalent of George Costanza's sweatpants. It's the makers saying "I give up."
Too bad - a

I realized a few months ago I wasn't even looking at the list of DC releases anymore. The New 52 books I'd seen were so shite, between the mundane art and messing with characters until I didn't know hwo they were anymore, I just gave up. Last to go was Batwoman.
They really shit the bed this time.

bonus points for Kirby tie-in!

No one ever mentions that Philip Dick came up with the idea of swarming holo-commercials chasing people down the street back in the '50s …

Apologies for the lack of snark and obscure referencing in that post

Fell in love with him and Wiig for the first SNL. It's nice to have people to root for

Where/what is that from?

Also probably the last tv show to spawn a radio hit from its theme song. Which was not uncommon once - Rockford Files was an am hit, too. There were a few others