
You weren't kidding when you claimed you'd say it again.

Gonna Paint Your Wagon
Isn't "P Diddy" going by "Diddle Dirty Manatees" these days?

I remind you of the the recent convictions for possession of child pornography based on images of Simpsons characters. If you can have child porn without children, you can have child porn without frontal nudity.

Insanity and Threats
I throw my wholehearted support behind Ashley Sullivan. The show needs crazy.

Because comedians are well-known for their lavish salaries?

Ably played by Bill Paxton?

I'm glad to see that "spinal cord" got corrected to "spine." That biology class you're taking toward your GED is really paying off!

Hellen Keller communicated and she was also blind.

Starting with the old-timey ones with the word cards?

Yay Robber Barons!
Note that the 7-year window is for Comcast letting other providers get NBC. It says nothing about, say, giving Hulu traffic #1 priority, blocking access to other streaming content, and exiling all other broadcast networks to the 200+ channel range.

Thankfully, the song from Brutal Legend is what pops into my head for that title. Which would work just fine as an Avril Lavigne song, now that I think about it.

"And a spoiler is a spoiler no matter how old it is."

Yes, they should have put "Four-Year-Old Spoiler Alert!" at the top of the post.

Just Being Practical
The other important aspect of the Death Note is that the writer can control the victim's actions leading up to death. I would be lazy and write "John Smith does my laundry, cooks my meals, cleans my house, and mows my lawn for twenty years before dying peacefully surrounded by family members."

I don't think it's unreasonable to ask for a sodium-free alternative to saline solution. That stuff contains sodium,which EXPLODES WHEN PUT IN WATER. You want to put that in my blood, which is mostly water?

I can access the internet from home and from work. I can't think of why I would want to go online elsewhere.

I completely agree. It's great for times when a group of us are all running around at the same time and we need to coordinate, so I wouldn't ditch it completely. I still turn it off when I get home. The times when I do have to carry the thing around at home because I'm expecting a call seem utterly ridiculous.

I think he was just galvanized, so conceivably he could rust.

Hello, Dave
As long as the computer gets no special accommodations, i.e. it has to get the clue from reading the big board and listening to Alex's voice instead of from some kind of text feed, I have no objection to this challenge.

@Chareth I never introduced symmetry as a criterion, so your dig is invalid. Invalid, I say!