

For example, Marky Mark took the opposite career path and abandoned rapping to pursue terrible acting.

Isn't he technically correct in calling Chinese people a subspecies, as Chinese and non-Chinese people have shown a willingness to mate when given the opportunity, but generally do not because of geographic distribution?

"Periodic" is pretty far down on the list of good synonyms for "frequent," but I'm pretty sure that's the sense in which it was used.


I thoroughly enjoy AGT. I can watch freaks do their thing for straight-up entertainment rather than being expected to derive entertainment from freaks treating each other terribly.

Never Forget
These guys burned down the Orpheum in Madison.

It's actually a reverse nugtohsahtiwoboh.

It worked for Prison Wine.

The film tells the story of the Mario brothers, Mario and Luigi, as they find a dystopia, where King Koopa is a dictator. They have to rescue Princess Daisy and stop Koopa from attempting to merge the dimensions so that he could become a dictator of both worlds.

Obviously he's going to put it in a museum and charge people money to have sex with it.

I also put a post in response to one of the juvenile-humor nonsense posts commenting on how it was still around while my grammar post was deleted. That post subsequently vanished as well. Watch for this one to go away now.

What a world it is when my grammar comment got deleted but this one is still up.

Can't recall exactly what ran it (radio?), but there was a story recently about the populace of Bali getting fed up with all the vapid Eat Pray Love tourists and starting to turn hostile. Good times.

Troll Baiting
I've always understood a "master" to be recorded during performance, so wouldn't "remastering" involve a new performance of the song?

The time-sink of advertising hits it right on the nose. Even a non-scripted show such as American Idol or America's Got Talent has 18 minutes of actual content (i.e. people performing). You could get that done in half an hour easily. Instead, they figured out that you can throw in just enough fluff to pad the show to

Nice idea except that there are no Street View images for any place I ever lived. How does a city with 3/4 of a million people not warrant coverage?

Remind me what was so wrong with the Swedish versions that they have to be remade. If reading subtitles is really the deal-breaker driving this, then just dub the damn thing and call it a day.

There's a movie plot - one hundred random people are rounded up and forced to compete in a talent competition. Only the winner leaves alive.

Stop Making Sense
This movie ain't no party. This ain't no disco. This ain't no fooling around.