Rohypnol Swan

You have to give The Eels credit for rejecting the 'random word plus number' trend in band names, skipping 'the ~s' trend, and going straight to the 'random animal name' trend.

Wait a minute, was Marc Anthony the one I used to think of as 'mole face' or am I mixing up my Latinos again.

"gravel and grubsgravel and grubs, she loves to eat her gravel and grubs…"

Holy Crap Steve Dave, I thought I was the only old school skater on here! I've been skating since '89 and had dreams of going pro too. Picking up the new Thrasher and checking out all the radness…Gonz, Jason Lee, Tommy G, Markovich, Templeton etc. Now the kids are like 15 and doing the gnarliest shit ever.

I hear you Lovecraft. I'm 32 and I drink at my local heavy metal bar where the regulars range in age from early 20's to 70's.

Sorry, have to chime in. I lived across the street from our town's reservoir which sat atop a huge, heavily wooded hill. Me and my friends in the neighbourhood spent every waking minute on that hill; playing guns, building forts, camping, and discovering huge treasures of mostly stolen shit from the surrounding


1977. Lots of these already mentioned, but… Challenger Explosion, Gene Simmons on Electric Company, Diana Ross on Muppet Show, Empire Strikes Back, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and E.T. in the theatre, Atari2600, Fall of Berlin Wall, FIRST GI Joe 'Grunt' action figure, original Vision Gator skateboard, rat tail

@Clinically Proven: well, as a foreigner living here that picks up odd translation jobs I can tell you that the Japanese written on snack packages is by no means as deep as you would think. Generally it's a word-for-word phonetic translation of the English in a slightly Japanese style.

What?? Troutmask, you're from northern BC?? I'm from P.G. originally, where you from?

Sody Pop!
I hope you guys managed to get ahold of the Pepsi 'shiso' flavour, it's pretty awesome. The 'azuki' is interesting as well but not as good. And if you can, try to get some of the 'green tea' Coke.

Only in Japan. Guess I could make all the hipsters on here jealous and talk about how the bar is actually an 80's metal themed bar (master and all the locals are in metal bands or 80's metal cover bands) and we sit around getting drunk listening to all kinds of old and new metal and rock till 5am. Plus, they

Just last night I was sitting in my little neighbourhood bar with two other locals watching Ong Bak on TV. During the market chase scene I starting craving green Thai curry. Without saying a word, the bar master whipped up green curry and rice for everyone. Naturally we were all thinking the same thing so

…and corn.

to clarify…and Sam.

@Purga-potty, by no means were you an obese, self-conscious, angry child right?
While you were plotting his death the rest of us were imagining how cool it would be to be the Frog bros.

China's new affordable compact car. Many are questioning it's necessity.

I thought every Montrealer walks around like a superstar…sneering at us dorky west coast types.

All I remember from my Shuswap, Salish, and Chilcotan friends was bannock on the holidays and pizza pops every other day.

@Monkeylint, yep, sat there and watched my buddy (Canadian) gobble that shit down like it was the nectar of the gods.