
lmao, I made a comment about pink being better-looking than brian posehn's wife and it got deleted

"Gliding all over?"

only four seasons after it should have ended! showtime is getting their shit together

a minor thing, but

"HEY MAN TELL THE KIDS TO DIG THAT" *turns off documentary*

she should also sue because the back half of season 5 sucked

that scene with don walking away from the set with megan in it music and then sitting down at a bar (just like the first episode!!) was so fucking corny

well, if you can't get david cross

Leslie regularly fucks up and is called on it and repents. what show are you even watching

hey Jonathan Blow isn't anywhere in that picture

this movie was fucking terrifying and I'm glad its legacy is getting ruined

this movie was fucking terrifying and I'm glad its legacy is getting ruined



this show blows

this show blows

this is my least favorite kind of avclub article. the kind that does the whole "WELL IT'S WHAT WE WERE ALL THINKING ABOUT ANYWAY" bit but actually reveals that the writer is kind of a huge creep

this is my least favorite kind of avclub article. the kind that does the whole "WELL IT'S WHAT WE WERE ALL THINKING ABOUT ANYWAY" bit but actually reveals that the writer is kind of a huge creep

like what were you thinking as you wrote it? "this'll fuckin' show her"

like what were you thinking as you wrote it? "this'll fuckin' show her"