
Damn you Stephen Hawking CBE for being a great physicist, being married 2x and having children while in a wheelchair with ALS! If only you were born handsome then maybe you could've ended your life decades ago but NOOOOOOO you have to be annoyingly brillant and have a desire to actually practice watch you preach and

Only rich and handsome people deserve great loves and adventures. Not normal looking middle income people.

This is how I feel about Selena Gomez's "music" - okay songs that could be a notch better if someone else sang it like Demi Lovato or Beyonce, someone with at least a 2 octave range.

Remember the good old days when the Hound was helping to free her and have her toughen up only for Sansa to just be all "life in westeros is SOOOOO much better than the North". How time flies.


Thanks for reminding us about Tatiana's post coital request from Oleg. It has completely slipped my mind!

Will this be the last we see of Don and Young Hee? I was thinking maybe he kills himself out of shame/guilt and that eventually breaks Elizabeth and makes her think "this is how innocent people are affected by our actions, was it all worth it?" Her talking to Pastor Tim might give her some semblance of a conscience.

Oleg isn't really involved with the sleeper agents and had nothing to do with any of the people that Stan mentioned. Would that make Oleg curious? But then I guess they both are in the game and knew that there will always be collateral damage. I mean Nina for one was Stan's fault.

But how would Pastor Tim even be involved? And even if it did, how would he even make the connection because that was a vagrant, not an undercover cop or something.

Wait, no mention of the sad goodbye between Stan and Oleg?

I thought it was a trick to lure him then she was going to snap his head off. But I guess she just wanted some intimacy at that point.

Probably the reveal of who she is really and what it all means.

I couldn't stop thinking how breathtakingly beautiful she was in the episode, stripped down and just naked physically and emotionally. Rory Kinnear also didn't disappoint and matched her acting with his own gentle and quiet portrayal. Also, how the episode was shot was so amazing - at times I felt the room was huge,

i did find myself dozing off somewhere in the middle of each episode and sometimes lack the sweet moments that I love in The Goldbergs but Noah Galvin is enough reason to want to give it another shot in Season 2.

This has to stop people! No gay Captain America, no gay Ariel no black Annie. I'm sure there are thousands of writers there that can come up with new characters that are gay/trans or whatever minority you want. It's not like there's a law where you can only reimagine existing characters/movies. gad.

Probably completely nothing at all but the jewelry they took from Martha's apartment, do you think it's one of those that Philip took from Elizabeth's jewelry box? Maybe Stan will see a picture of it and recognize it? But then how would he make that connection between Philip and Martha's husband?

Maybe he did it to push Sansa to be mentally stronger? I can't think of
any other reason why Littlefinger would do that to her. And now that she
has escaped he comes to her aid? WTF right? Applause to Sansa for
telling him that he's an idiot or her enemy. Also, poor Hodor! But then if this all happened in the past,

was looking forward to a cydney vs Aubrey ending because to me they seemed like 2 people who played the game without being aholes, they were good and useful in the challenges and had an actual strategy. sigh. oh well. do you think michelle thinks deep down she really deserved it or her family? I hope not.

Yes Amber, I was trying to remember who was that heavy sack of bones Rob carried all the way to the finale that somehow reminded me of Michelle. Ok, i'll change my theory, maybe she was fated to win, look at the run of bad luck Aubrey with 2 of her best allies getting removed from the game in very crucial moments.

do the producers make it known that these people were recruits?