
No love for Outcast? That was a FANTASTIC show! Also I'd place OJ Made in America over People vs OJ, I thought it was more compelling TV and it had ZERO kardashian wife and children. Also, I was beyond annoyed with David "Juice" Schwimmer and John Travolta.

I better see Crazy Ex GF and Better Call Saul in the top 15 !!!!!! I'm sad nobody seems to be watching Catastrophe, I LOVE that show.

And I thought the plot for the Alicia Silverstone movie from the 90s was lame, I pick the prostitution ring over this.

You think Paula's husband is going to cheat on the Paula lookalike coworker?

I like that they've given her a meatier role this season, last season she was getting on my last nerve with her one liners. Now she has more substance and more likeable.

I loved the side kick while Paula was playing the keyboards. I was thinking Heart too!

I wish they would just nominate movies that made you feel really really good afterwards. I hate being depressed about reality when I'm trying to escape from it.

I actually like her more as the villain on the show than Rose. On that note, can we tie up that plotline ASAP? Hopefully Rose is not Rafael's sister or Alba. Ugh.

I'll say it again, this show and Jane the Virgin perfectly compliment each other. They should just get rid of that new CW show about that girl and guy. I can't even remember the name. No Tomorrow? Ugh I don't want to give that a chance. Also, American audiences like their super beautiful but needs acting lessons type

What! No mention of the return of Valencia?

I liked how the series is having Paula acknowledging her dependency on Rebecca's drama and moving forward with her life. She's still the bff but she has realized that she needs to channel her energy into something more positive - like a law degree!! Lesser tv series would just play this out til the end. Also, loved

I guess historically speaking, no one has ever gotten back from elimination to win the whole thing (I'm thinking Top Chef, Project Runway, Drag Race), I could be wrong.

Did you guys see the preview for next week when Alaska said " remember the last time it was the 3 of us vs the one other person? that didn't turn out so well". I think most of the fans that suddenly switched to Katya was I think again due to the existence of Rolaskatoxx

I wish that if she was throwing a mini tantrum on the main stage that the judges should've called her out on it. Maybe that was just an edit? I mean I get her frustration and winning a bunch of challenges does give you a false sense of security and she's only human.

I also need Nicole Richie in there!

I agree! And 3 of the actors here are Brits. which was unnecessary.

I think he doesn't write the books anymore, I always see someone else's name underneath his.

I'm sure it's not going to be a great movie - story wise but I'll still watch it because of Emily Blunt. She just glows in every movie. Unless it's like the Charlize Theron adaptation of Dark Places which completely SUCKED.

While we're ranting about missing reviews - no more Younger reviews too!!! They should just get rid of AHS reviews since every season it manages to average about a C on the AV club.

I think it has that certain characteristic that tugs at your heartstrings like the Goldbergs. The relationship between JJ and his aide is really very touching.