
I think you could feel Matt Weiner's heart when he wrote this episode, I felt that the handled it with delicate care and it was magnificent. I actually started crying when they did the Time of Your Life montage before the actual start of the show. What a great ending to the show. It's not a series where there is a

What if Luisa's new girlfriend is Rose but with plastic surgery?

I got choked up a bit when the old lady said "the North remembers" that one line just brought back all the sadness that surrounded the Starks.

But didn't Melissandre tell him to go North to help against the whitewalkers seeing at as an even bigger battle than the iron throne? Those ice zombies are only in it for themselves.

You think after last season's incest rape scene that did not sit well
with a lot of people, the producers will again rile up the viewers by
showing Sansa being raped? If she is though then poor Sansa, that character has just been the most physically, emotionally and mentally abused woman in the series and to what end?

This is easy Dirty Dancing and Top Gun. The people at my school would NOT shut up about it so I just refused to watch it. Almost 30 years later I still have not seen it or have the desire to.

The Beeman and Burov show. Seriously what were they thinking? They have gotten myopic with Neena that they have completely lost all logic. Did they think the US will exchange one Russian agent for another Russian agent? How is Neena still going to be an asset for them? She's already been compromised and for all they

Did we ever stop to think maybe the Americans are doing the exact same thing in the USSR? Remember when in season 2 an American in Russia killed the Russian officials? That's the world of espionage, the motherland is the be all and end all, the end justifies the means. Remember when Philip was saying to Yousaf what

If this were based on reality and the verdict on Joe Miller was not guilty, does the police have the responsibility to pin this case on someone? Or is it per their investigation Joe did it but since he was proved innocent then that's that, case closed?

Did Claire put the drug or was it there already?

But didn't the idiot jury stop to think why would Miller beat her husband up in front of witnesses and then force a confession out of him for murder? Obviously she found a horrible truth about him and was angry. The trial was the only stupid part of the whole season. But I do understand things like this do happen in

That's a page out of Murder on the Orient Express which as much as I loved that story is something that Broadchurch most likely won't do. They've already banished him, Joe seems obviously afraid for his safety so why go back and just be possibly killed?

But I don't really see that much difference in Fame's look every week, her facial expression is the same, I mean she has a great face but so does Violet and she at least does more than walk around the runway with a single expression.

Oddly enough, Fame has more energy/personality while in the workroom but all that vanishes in the runway. She's not really a performer. Instead of comparing her to Courtney Act who at least can act and is quick on her feet, I think she is more like Tyra Sanchez, all beauty ZERO personality but somehow Ru likes them.

I think Jon has sulked and contemplated for waaayyy too long in the tv version so I think the producers just want to give him better things to do than sulking in a corner for half the season before coming to the same conclusion anyway.

Two weeks later, the reel and real Adam's photo still makes me laugh. It was quite something, it only takes a real man to show that to the world 30 years later.

Martha does know Clark is wearing a hairpiece, she mentioned as much a few episodes back or was it last season and it caught him completely off guard.

I started watching the episode in bed comfortably surrounded by my pillows and under my comforter. Cut to two minutes later until the end of episode I was sitting up at the foot of my bed with my whole body just tense. Damn you Americans!!! So much suspense and tension in the quietest of moments. I also seriously

No, that's the first thing you ask someone "Are your parents ok with this?" He just assumes too much which if I were in Philip and Elizabeth's shoes would just drive me nuts and just want to hurt him.

All season long the judges have been commenting about Pearl's low energy when in reality Max has also been low energy, at her best it's still a sleeper but the difference in Pearl's performance the last two episodes is that you can really see her pushing herself more, I know it's not much compared to Ginj or Kennedy