Gueuze Lambic

@disqus_ngu6Yzuu3T:disqus Because any rain that hits the plastic sheet will just run out between the staples on the bottom edge and drip right back down into the house.  If the bottom edge is on the outside, that water will run out onto the roof.

I don't think you're supposed to be fine with it.

If you were stuck in an elevator with a rabid grizzly bear for hours, and came out alive, I'm going to say that you're way scarier than the bear.

It was odd watching Hannibal eat animal flesh, but then I realized what was more rare than eating Iberico ham: eating someone who ate Iberico ham.

"frankly, I'm liking this Thomas Harris adaptation even better than The Silence of the Lambs.  (Yeah, I said it.)"

My crush from the same era was Missy Gold on Benson.

Related, with MILD SPOILER:

This.  It's nice to see something in flyover country, even if it's something not that great.

Well, the ads did have that The Heavy song.  They were appealing.

What I throw at JJ Abrams is Star Trek and Star Trek Into Darkness.

Memento 0

Haywire, for a while, had the dual distinction of being my favorite Channing Tatum movie and my least favorite Michael Fassbender movie.  Then Prometheus happened.

Josh Hutcherson is worse.

Did you see it?  If so,

Hannibal, like Mads, is Danish.  His psychopathy was caused by the great Tuborg shortage of 1989.  That's why Hannibal makes his own beer.

Agreed.  You could almost see the light bulb come on over Fishburne's head.

I haven't been that freaked out by anything since I was a kid.  Those two things were:

I'd put it squarely at #3 (behind Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones, if it matters).

"Hey Jack, I'm sorry about what happened yesterday.  Oh, you don't know what I'm talking about?  Nevermind."

There were some interesting tableaus in this episode.