Gueuze Lambic

He's Lance Fucking Henriksen, that's how.

Jersey Shore: The Film

No way.  His natural state is a liquid.

I wouldn't call them great episodes, but damned if Steven Berkoff and Josh Pais aren't fun to watch.

I prefer Lambic pentameter.

Oh, hai Odo.

I agree.  I thought it was fine.  It turned dread into mourning.

@avclub-5d546b1b257d62c86b63a948f21fab5c:disqus OK, that's a well-reasoned argument, and I agree with much of what you say.  I still stick with the point that fucking two brothers is in no way mature—especially when the two brothers are in emotional turmoil over the situation.

@avclub-1881baeccb7399f3452cd7f37cdb2b29:disqus That's the other reason I was considering skipping.  That and it's an 8.5 hour drive for me.  And I'm afraid my garden will die.

1) Just how much money did the Hound think Robb and Cat would give him when Arya shows up with broken hands?

NBC is so great about giving a show time to find its audience, though.  Just ask Conan O'Brien.

Throw in Syrio Forel or GTFO.

Baby heads are great for sopping up the gravy.

I was going to skip the Indy 500 specifically so I could watch GoT.  Guess I might go after all.

The Hound is running late for Arya's family gathering.  Joffrey playfully teases Sansa.  Melisandre uses frontier medicine.  Davos learns to read.

That would be a helpful guide on a 2nd or 3rd rewatch.  First rewatch I'll probably watch every episode, but after that it would help to know who gets naked when.  I should take notes.

I yelled at him too.  Maybe it was super-cold or something and he couldn't touch it, kind of like getting your tongue stuck to a flagpole.

Is "ankles" some kind of slang for "tits" that I don't know about?

And the opposite of that happens in this very episode, where a character keeps his/her clothes on in a scene where a person would realistically be nude.

"I am the god of tits and wine.  I'll build a shrine to myself."