NBC Silences Hannibal; No Lambs Involved
NBC Silences Hannibal; No Lambs Involved
He was always a bit light for my tastes, but I did like "Longer" a little bit.
There was undoubtedly oil in the dish somewhere, which could have been human fat. Still, there's probably less human in the dessert than in the main course, so if you're going to eat something at Hannibal's, that's the way to go.
To be fair, he does go through a lot of work most of us don't in order to procure the food. It's not like he picks it up at Kroger on the way home. It's natural that he's a bit reverent of it.
Yup. We got a major permanent death, just not the one we thought.
From the review: "When she chooses Damon—and accepts all of his admitted shortcomings
while voicing her own—Elena finally feels like a grownup this season,
which is fitting with her transition from high school to adult life."
This is a universe where, as we learn later, BOTH members of a couple need to be using birth control in order for it to work. So take your genetically defective baby and be happy with it.
@avclub-4d29e53dd18a1b2ac08e9ebcf1f145bc:disqus That's where my mind went. NYC should have been a prison for a long time by now.
I know. That could only be made more unreadable if the font was dark red.
The Man With The Golden Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges
@avclub-6d15e30b4997679fea1c748d8991a537:disqus Or the 31st century Temporal Agents from Enterprise come back and fix shit. Finally, Enterprise is useful for something.
Beyond the heteronormative aspects, there are also species normative aspects. It's even more complicated than that, as there are species where male A and female B cannot produce offspring, but male B and female A can. And those offspring can be sterile.
Bonking and baby-making are not necessarily the same thing.
@avclub-ee2e9e1447fcb49c96e19af584ca11b4:disqus That's what I was wondering. Who keeps a bear? I imagine it's tough to capture a live adult bear, even with 2013 technology.
He's the Assistant Manager, or Ass. Man. for short.
"Doshtak roth, bitches? Dothraki language news is here. Tonight's top story: the sewers run red with Lannister blood."
Her grandfather is a legend. She deserves a great ass.
That would explain Twilight.
Here's hoping the title of next week's episode is The Snatch Shadow and the Whiny Brat.
I have felt Bronn-deprived all season. They didn't let him kill Cersei's guards in the first episode, and it's been downhill from there.