Jaime's down with the whole women's lib thing.
Jaime's down with the whole women's lib thing.
Locke cuts off Jaime's other hand: "This is getting ri-goddamned-diculous."
No, you were not.
I kept waiting for Brick Tamland to show up and ride the furry tractor.
Actually, the part that struck me is that Hannibal would never say he "brewed" beer in a wine barrel. He might age it in one, but you can't brew it in one.
Nope. I assume I wasn't the only one benefiting from the early days of satellite, then.
You rang?
OK, that makes more sense.
He's licensed at least two. That's weird. Then again, so is copyright law.
"I would sacrifice almost literally any show on TV right now to the Gods of Television for Hannibal season 2."
@avclub-a3e80e62340f85e584f072b212415d32:disqus I noticed on Twitter that Anthony Bourdain said something like "Nice job on the lungs" to Andres after the first episode. I wasn't sure if he's just a consultant, or if he's the one actually doing the food prep on the insert shots. Whoever it is definitely seems to…
I know, right? To me, liver tastes like a fatty penny, but then I saw the recipe and the dish and realized I would have tried it in a heartbeat if I didn't know it was human flesh.
Which ties back to when he killed Marissa for insulting her mother. Hannibal is killing the rude. And Will has caught on to that part of the M.O., noting that the Ripper is killing "pigs."
Same vein for me: Escape From New York and The Thing. These three films plus Star Wars were pretty much on heavy rotation throughout my tyke to tween years.
Definitely Lost.
First one that comes to my mind that hasn't been mentioned yet is Alien.
Which is weird, since most Trek writers probably grew up reading Heinlein and Ellison and Matheson. Or WERE Ellison and Matheson.
Actually, I said he probably would. She asked why, and I said some nice things about her. That's when I learned the power of compliments.
There are plenty of session beers I could have 12 pints of and still be coherent. Shouldn't be driving, mind you, but I could still function well enough.