Yeah. I mean, how do you get the laughs out of "Narp?" in a trailer, especially without ruining it in the film.
Yeah. I mean, how do you get the laughs out of "Narp?" in a trailer, especially without ruining it in the film.
Actually, according to Wright on Twitter, they're up to 7 flavors now. But he's sticking with three films.
"You changed my heart!"
This movie will make me laugh every time North Korea is in the news for the rest of my life. Even when they're threatening nuclear annihilation. No, make that especially when they're threatening nuclear annihilation.
I think actors get slammed FAR worse than either the left, the right, or Michael Bay.
That's why I'm not sure I agree with the writer that the song is "assuredly pro-American." It lists a few not so nice things, including the aforementioned slavery, and the ghetto, just off the top of my head. Not to mention a couple of things that weren't American at all, like pizza.
John Dies At The End
@avclub-a437f78550d8b2793e31977a6ddb058e:disqus Kind of like the inverse of Raul Julia.
I would say anything to get in a hot tub with Lizzy Caplan.
If a "Joffrey" is a unit, we can only measure everyone else in millijoffreys, because a joffrey is too big.
Well, the family bathing thing is kind of weird.
I assumed it was an alien-foreign accent kind of thing, even though none of their other words were accented. Kind of like how Dukat would say "Bajor" slightly differently from time to time.
No, I definitely made a comment about both of them having slept with Dexter.
Also, they bathe a lot. I bet they smell great.
Shoo, I need to pee.
Nick Nolte's done this a few times.
I cannot deny this.
I also think her list just got one name longer.
I was kind of surprised to learn that anyone found this episode slow. I almost stood up and fist pumped during the Dance vs. Rigg scene.
Your claim to the throne seems to only be as strong as everyone else thinks it is. Under that consideration, I'd have to give the strongest claim to Khalesiiiiiii-i-i-i-i.