Gueuze Lambic

@avclub-ef062084a1c4a3584af1d4f8e514ea50:disqus Go see GOB and get some Forget Me Nows.

Eh, fair point.  Besides, Memento has a twist, and I can't be friends with anyone who hates Memento.

Didn't somebody lie down in front of a lawnmower?  I couldn't decide if that was creepy or hilarious.

This.  That was my immediate thought when I saw the still.  You don't need to know anything about the F&F series, you don't need to see a trailer.  You just need to see that still, and you know if you want to see that film or not.

Nemesis might have been a piece of shit, but there was a good Trek movie or (preferably) series that could have been made about the fallout from a Romulan empire in chaos.

I'm genuinely excited too, and I didn't expect to be.  And it wasn't because of Snyder, because I do like several of his films.  My original apathy was probably rub-off from the awfulness of Superman Returns.

If what I read was true, I hate it about as much as I thought I would.

I made it through about 10 minutes of Romeo + Juliet before realizing Baz Luhrmann wasn't for me.  The exact moment I quit was when Leguizamo whipped out his handgun that had "SWORD" engraved on it.

I'm rooting for Benedict Cumberbatch to win.  I might enjoy the movie if I leave before the third act.

Yeah, my bad, the shittiness kind of ran together.

Teenage girls do that kind of thing.  When I was a teen, I had a girl ask me if I thought one of my friends would go out with her, then she asked me to stay over.

Actually, she makes me think of Phantom Menace-era Rose Byrne.

For me, it's the built-in wi-fi signal detectors that they have on their foreheads.

Technically, your sibling could be considered your cousin since you do share grandparents.  So they're just taking that boundary blurring a few sexy steps further.

Oh, hai greyworm.

No, not nearly enough.  And yes, Brienne wins.

But for the bulk of season 4 he had the chip and was still doing evil.  He just couldn't physically harm a human.

Is it wrong of me to be rooting for Cumberbatch?

I'd forgotten about covering up the boyfriend's killing.  So at any rate, yes, someone living in a cave for the past 22 years should know something's going on.

God did it.  I believe it.  That settles it.