Would someone with no knowledge of the material know what Hannibal was up to at this point? Other than the warning call to Hobbs in the first episode, there hasn't been much blatant villainy.
Would someone with no knowledge of the material know what Hannibal was up to at this point? Other than the warning call to Hobbs in the first episode, there hasn't been much blatant villainy.
Looking back, yes, I think he did. He spent a good amount of time sniffing her, then mentioned the cancer thing immediately after. That was his way of letting her know he knew, without letting Jack know. Damned impressive writing.
@avclub-5a1c0dcc8243c086c74ee944052f6f0f:disqus A Vulcan wouldn't be offended.
You're not wrong. I can't imagine ever watching this episode on a re-watch of the series.
No kidding. Klaus has no problems killing the only 12 existing hybrids, but just kind of sulks out of a room full of vampires who insulted him?
The whole episode was nothing but product placement for their own product. It couldn't have been more jarring if every single character was wearing a Heineken t-shirt.
I fully expected more comments about The Ascent than Rapture. Rapture is usually a skip on re-watches for me.
Don't feel too bad, I didn't get it until @Thrasymachus:disqus 's comment.
Oddly, Sierra Madre is one of the few classic Bogey films I've never seen.
There's still Sheriff Batmanuel Eyeliner out there to bang.
I don't think they'll mention the sex slave. They'll just say the deputy went crazy after Norma broke up with him.
For every woman you meet, somewhere out there is a guy who got tired of fucking her.
Yeah, I think every man (and half the women) in the country were sexually aroused by that scene.
Eh, @avclub-d019eb089e65903455cc52308f00b997:disqus , eventually you have to choose between the giant douche and the turd sandwich.
Yeah, I'm definitely a heavy metal guy.
That got carted over to Bates Motel, where major pieces of evidence are quite easy to steal—including, in one case, an entire person.
They played The Heavy at one point this season, so I'm giving them a free pass on music choices this year.
Glory to you…
I would LOVE to see one of Elena, Stefan, or Damon get Game of Thrones-ed.