Well, that's exactly the point. It would have been far easier to cover up death by vamp than cover up a fire started via accelerant. Sheriff wouldn't even investigate death by vamp.
Well, that's exactly the point. It would have been far easier to cover up death by vamp than cover up a fire started via accelerant. Sheriff wouldn't even investigate death by vamp.
I don't need this, or this…just this ashtray. And this paddle game.
Which is kind of a shame, since I do think the characters could have developed that much chemistry if they'd 2/3 of a season instead of 2/3 of an episode together. They certainly had more chemistry than Kira had with either Bareil or Shakaar. But at least those relationships were reasonable given the timeframes…
Who the hell is stupid enough to decloak in an unarmed ship right in the middle of a firefight, anyway?
If the captain of a cloaked ship decloaks in the middle of a firefight in which only one of the two sides has cloaking technology, he's an idiot. It's pretty much his fault, not Worf's.
Her spots go all the way down, though.
What if they use the cure on Katherine, turning her into the doppelganger/Klaus's bloodbag?
I was starting to like Jeremy, though. I'm bummed. Especially since Jeremy's loss is permanent (if he's really dead), and Katherine's gain is temporary.
@avclub-b9af48c23f22e423d48a8263dffad03f:disqus I've pointed that out here before. It's exactly the same voice as Neeson doing "American" in Taken. Same timbre, tone, everything.
Lincoln's accent is better than Morrisey's. Hell, Morissey sounds more like an Irishman than a southerner, and he's not even Irish.
A car door isn't much better, but it's used as cover all the time.
@avclub-79557cb93066f4470b8cee6e9110f757:disqus "Unions often do stupid things, which have the unintended consequence of harming the interests of some (or all) of their members."
@avclub-79557cb93066f4470b8cee6e9110f757:disqus "Also, AgentofN0thing, you have to ask yourself why we have minimum wage laws to begin with."
"…but I like that one death is the 'this just got too dangerous' moment, instead of requiring some kind of mass religious schism."
@avclub-0d4efaa2c9d1041eb9b8b5319eec8531:disqus "The left doesn't tend to make weird, violent threats about 'taking our
country back' and '2nd Amendment remedies' and 'stockpiling guns &
ammo because Socialism.' It's not a 'both sides do it' thing. At all."
@avclub-0d4efaa2c9d1041eb9b8b5319eec8531:disqus "The left doesn't tend to make weird, violent threats about 'taking our
country back' and '2nd Amendment remedies' and 'stockpiling guns &
ammo because Socialism.' It's not a 'both sides do it' thing. At all."
I'd probably rather be told I was dying by someone with a Received Pronunciation accent than by someone with a Boston accent.
Odo is sometimes. Or at least, one time. That's why the changelings on Earth hated him.
I love the name Nerys, I think it's beautiful, and I intend to name my daughter that if I ever have one.
It's not my fault she prefers to shaver the natural sensation.