Gueuze Lambic

There was a two year gap between the first and second book, and a two year gap between the second and third.  That seems pretty reasonable to me for writing a novel.

But less annoying girls.

@avclub-2b4398f8c60d5dd9b8e3c786a3745192:disqus  Instead, he aims drone strikes at weddings.

Elena too.  And I'm not against killing main characters, but I think if you kill Damon and Elena both, then there's pretty much not a Vampire Diaries anymore.

Didn't Stefan mention in one of the first episodes that vervain was nearly extinct?  Now there's enough to make herbal tea in the local water tower.  World Wildlife Fund, eat your heart out.  Or find a vampire to do it for you.

Rebekah was definitely born to be his baby.  Those crazy kids sure are living on a prayer.  I hope they never say goodbye.  Elena is nothing but bad medicine for their relationship right now.  I hope Rebekah and Stefan have enough sense to runaway from her!

I know!  I sure am glad Obama rolled into office, closed Gitmo, repealed the PATRIOT Act, and quit bombing countries we weren't at war with.

They're brothers.

I feel fucking old now.  Thanks.

Hey, did you know this show is set in Boston but filmed in Montreal?

Keep your hands off my Dorian.

No, he looks like a Sleestak.

Every time I think of him, I think of "London, Eng-uh-land."  Also, anytime I think of England.

In the WHAT place?  May you get CancerAIDS in your lowest denominator.

@avclub-5b7e0a1ad5d9ac9ef3063b05f55b6d31:disqus  You must have visited a different Qingdao than I did.

Batten also shows up as a hot Orion chick on Enterprise, on one of the few Episodes of Enterprise worth watching.

You have it exactly backwards!

Jason X was way more enjoyable than it had any right to be.

Pump the brakes.  "Conservatives"?  There's an entire energy independence section on the Democrats.org website.  The White House site has a section called "Securing American Energy" that boasts about Obama's "increasing American energy independence".  And I'll bet you a dollar he brags about it at the upcoming state

Pump the brakes.  "Conservatives"?  There's an entire energy independence section on the Democrats.org website.  The White House site has a section called "Securing American Energy" that boasts about Obama's "increasing American energy independence".  And I'll bet you a dollar he brags about it at the upcoming state