"Older guys like the various Admirals and Picard get away with it for the most part because they're SUPPOSED to look old…"
"Older guys like the various Admirals and Picard get away with it for the most part because they're SUPPOSED to look old…"
The way that the writers treat the Ferengi displays their complete ignorance of economics. In the Real World, someone with Rom's technical gifts would do great business. Really good electricians and plumbers make really good money. And since Nog says Rom is probably even better than that—chief engineer of a…
The way that the writers treat the Ferengi displays their complete ignorance of economics. In the Real World, someone with Rom's technical gifts would do great business. Really good electricians and plumbers make really good money. And since Nog says Rom is probably even better than that—chief engineer of a…
It's less jarring to me on a basic cable show like this than it is in something R-Rated, like Kristen Wiig's clothed sex montage with Jon Hamm in the beginning of Bridesmaids.
It's less jarring to me on a basic cable show like this than it is in something R-Rated, like Kristen Wiig's clothed sex montage with Jon Hamm in the beginning of Bridesmaids.
Didn't they mention last week that they're only juniors now? This is going to reach original 90210 levels of ridiculousness fairly quickly.
Didn't they mention last week that they're only juniors now? This is going to reach original 90210 levels of ridiculousness fairly quickly.
Her underwear scene wasn't bad either. Hey, this is Vamp Diaries, not True Blood, so I'll take what I can get.
Her underwear scene wasn't bad either. Hey, this is Vamp Diaries, not True Blood, so I'll take what I can get.
It had to run on a little bit long for his line, "Oh yeah, I like banging lots of whores" to work.
It had to run on a little bit long for his line, "Oh yeah, I like banging lots of whores" to work.
That was a nice little Easter egg, I thought.
That was a nice little Easter egg, I thought.
I both cringed and laughed at the "orange sodas and grape sodas" bit.
I both cringed and laughed at the "orange sodas and grape sodas" bit.
Don't forget the sofa scene in the Christmas episode. Yeah, DeVito is definitely willing to throw all ego aside for a laugh.
Don't forget the sofa scene in the Christmas episode. Yeah, DeVito is definitely willing to throw all ego aside for a laugh.
It's also a meta-comment on Dennis doing the Australian accent while playing Mel Gibson during Lethal Weapon 5.
It's also a meta-comment on Dennis doing the Australian accent while playing Mel Gibson during Lethal Weapon 5.
One, I took it as a minotaur. Two, I doubt serial killers spend a lot of time wondering if their outfits make them look silly. They might obsess over clothing, but for a different reason than we would ever contemplate.