One, I took it as a minotaur. Two, I doubt serial killers spend a lot of time wondering if their outfits make them look silly. They might obsess over clothing, but for a different reason than we would ever contemplate.
One, I took it as a minotaur. Two, I doubt serial killers spend a lot of time wondering if their outfits make them look silly. They might obsess over clothing, but for a different reason than we would ever contemplate.
I'm with @avclub-d019eb089e65903455cc52308f00b997:disqus . It had its Whedon touches (the "flying monkeys" joke, the Black Widow interrogation scene near the beginning, Agent Coulson as Xander), but it had a mold it had to fit.
I'm with @avclub-d019eb089e65903455cc52308f00b997:disqus . It had its Whedon touches (the "flying monkeys" joke, the Black Widow interrogation scene near the beginning, Agent Coulson as Xander), but it had a mold it had to fit.
I don't know, I laughed at his line about banging whores.
I don't know, I laughed at his line about banging whores.
I know. I'm voting for the candidate who favors drone strikes, saber rattling with Iran, Wall Street bailouts, the drug war, raids on medical marijuana clinics, the PATRIOT Act, and the "Bush" tax cuts.
I know. I'm voting for the candidate who favors drone strikes, saber rattling with Iran, Wall Street bailouts, the drug war, raids on medical marijuana clinics, the PATRIOT Act, and the "Bush" tax cuts.
Yeah, what we really needed was some gay guys launching the drone strikes that kill or disfigure little Pakistani girls.
Yeah, what we really needed was some gay guys launching the drone strikes that kill or disfigure little Pakistani girls.
I'm exactly the opposite of @avclub-0d4efaa2c9d1041eb9b8b5319eec8531:disqus . The prospect of more Obama appointments makes me fear more decisions like Kelo v. New London and Gonzales v. Raich (although Scalia helped nail down that last one).
I'm exactly the opposite of @avclub-0d4efaa2c9d1041eb9b8b5319eec8531:disqus . The prospect of more Obama appointments makes me fear more decisions like Kelo v. New London and Gonzales v. Raich (although Scalia helped nail down that last one).
@avclub-40d0f53c876ca622ae3032974935fdd8:disqus Oh, Wallace Shawn would be a good sport about it. I meant it in that sense, not the "I want to see Wallace Shawn dead" sense.
@avclub-40d0f53c876ca622ae3032974935fdd8:disqus Oh, Wallace Shawn would be a good sport about it. I meant it in that sense, not the "I want to see Wallace Shawn dead" sense.
Either one works. The important thing is to have a personal assistant to wipe your fingerprints off of it afterwards.
Either one works. The important thing is to have a personal assistant to wipe your fingerprints off of it afterwards.
They're bringing on Kevin Nealon to babysit Harrison.
They're bringing on Kevin Nealon to babysit Harrison.
I wouldn't mind seeing Dexter kill Paul Rudd and/or Wallace Shawn.
I wouldn't mind seeing Dexter kill Paul Rudd and/or Wallace Shawn.
You left out the rye. MMmmm, rye.