Gueuze Lambic

Shane's story has potential, although I'm not sure how you get there on a sitcom.

Disliking Mellencamp isn't nearly as large a crime as liking Boyz II Men.

Disliking Mellencamp isn't nearly as large a crime as liking Boyz II Men.

My guess is the dog from Lost.

My guess is the dog from Lost.

@eric827:disqus  River Tam shows up and kills everyone with a silver corkscrew.  While barefoot.

@eric827:disqus  River Tam shows up and kills everyone with a silver corkscrew.  While barefoot.

Having her in the banner is just rubbing it in.

Having her in the banner is just rubbing it in.

I was relieved that stupid plan was at least planned, though.  Because the whole time Jason, Russell, and Newlin were on the porch, I was thinking, "Why the hell is Jason standing guard outside with a shotgun when there isn't even anyone in the house?"

I was relieved that stupid plan was at least planned, though.  Because the whole time Jason, Russell, and Newlin were on the porch, I was thinking, "Why the hell is Jason standing guard outside with a shotgun when there isn't even anyone in the house?"

Agreed on the Alcide stuff, except for the line quoted in Stray Observations, which was friggin' hilarious.

Agreed on the Alcide stuff, except for the line quoted in Stray Observations, which was friggin' hilarious.

I missed it because I got up for a drink.  Dammit.

I missed it because I got up for a drink.  Dammit.

He actually did say that, earlier, about the family finally being safe..  He should have repeated it at that point.

He actually did say that, earlier, about the family finally being safe..  He should have repeated it at that point.

And he can whistle through a full-face respirator.  Like a boss.

And he can whistle through a full-face respirator.  Like a boss.

One of my favorite bits from this or any episode.