I even like the villains. Weyoun and Dukat are welcome sights, not to mention a few memorable one-(or two) offs.
I even like the villains. Weyoun and Dukat are welcome sights, not to mention a few memorable one-(or two) offs.
I even like the villains. Weyoun and Dukat are welcome sights, not to mention a few memorable one-(or two) offs.
No, Kurtzman and Orci need to be kept as far away from Trek as possible, lest we get another Wile E. Coyote sequence of a character with swollen hands and tongue.
No, Kurtzman and Orci need to be kept as far away from Trek as possible, lest we get another Wile E. Coyote sequence of a character with swollen hands and tongue.
I always thought Nerys was a pretty name. Now I just have to meet a woman who will let me name our daughter that.
I always thought Nerys was a pretty name. Now I just have to meet a woman who will let me name our daughter that.
They were also lampooning the over-proportionate police response to the Occupy movement, which the Occupy movement failed to link to government (in the show, and in real life). It isn't Walmart or the Koch brothers shutting Occupy down, it's the government. The irony is lost on the movement, though.
Michael Moore claims to be part of the 99%, but is part of the 1%. It's not making fun of him for being clueless about his weight, it's making fun of him for being clueless about his wealth. Well, OK, maybe both.
"So it’s always a refreshing surprise to be reintroduced to their unique viewpoint," for example. It's only unique if you live in a liberal cocoon. Or conservative one.
I do wish that guy had an expression other than "menacing scowl", though. The whole idea would have been more horrifying if he'd been dispassionate about it.
I do wish that guy had an expression other than "menacing scowl", though. The whole idea would have been more horrifying if he'd been dispassionate about it.
No, we aren't all in agreement. I gave the "expert" a B before the "newbie" was even posted. A giant game-changer in which nothing in the game changed left me a little underwhelmed.
No, we aren't all in agreement. I gave the "expert" a B before the "newbie" was even posted. A giant game-changer in which nothing in the game changed left me a little underwhelmed.
Kira and Dax should have watched Wrath Of Khan before leaving DS9. Then they could have just punched the override code into the runaway runabout and stopped its engines the way the Kirk brought down Khan's shields.
Kira and Dax should have watched Wrath Of Khan before leaving DS9. Then they could have just punched the override code into the runaway runabout and stopped its engines the way the Kirk brought down Khan's shields.
Which is why Cap isn't a Roosevelt Democrat, either. A Roosevelt Democrat would have registered. I think they got Cap and Iron Man's stances backwards.
When Briene said her "That's treason" line and grabbed the hilt of her sword, I knew she was done for.
The Warlock dude, that is. Threaded comment FAIL on my part.